Chris Evans
MV Friend

Posts: 9
Nits in London
« : 23.10.05 at 11:04 » |
I seem to recall a previous exchange with a couple of MVs a while back that revealed a shared enthusiasm for a wonderful - and little heard - Dutch band called the Nits. They've been together for some 30 years and can fill halls in most European capitals, yet apart from the odd festival they've never played a proper gig in the UK. Until now, that is. They'll be making their London debut at the lovely old Bush Hall in Shepherd's Bush on December 9, tickets £10. (A venue well worth considering for the next tour, Pete). I know MVs are more discriminating than most, so even if you've never heard of them I think you'll find they're well worth a punt. Think XTC, Talking Heads, Prefab Sprout and you'll have some idea of the ball park they occupy. For more details, check out (And yes, I know it's a terrible name for a band, but don't let it put you off).