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Register Register here to join Midnight Voices
Step-by-step MV registration procedure

Follow these 7 steps:

1Are you sure you haven't signed up already?
Please don't duplicate your registration. If you think you might already have joined, and/or you've forgotten your log-in, please e-mail the Administrator at the address below.
2Choose a username and enter it in the box here :
18-character limit, not your e-mail address, and no spaces please. This will become your permanent name on the Forum, though once logged in you may set an alias, a 'Display Name', 'Nickname' or 'Handle' (which can be your real name) via your Profile page.
3Enter your e-mail address :
We need this to confirm your registration and deliver your password, and for optional notifications or private messages. We will not divulge or share this, and it will not be visible to other members so long as you leave checked the 'Hide e-mail' box below.
Hide e-mail (Recommended)
4Answer the anti-spam question :
To help prevent automated registrations by malicious 'spam-bots', please answer this fiendishly difficult question : What is the name of Pete's famous lyricist? (case-insensitive).
5Read the MV User Agreement and Privacy Policy (below) and, if you're happy with it, select the "I Agree" button.
(Don't hit 'Register' yet, or you'll lose this page)

This is a standard user agreement, designed to offer the site's owner, operator and users some legal protection against the consequences of malicious use or inappropriate litigation,
while clarifying the extent to which MV stores and processes user information. There are no hidden tricks or intentional loopholes here.
6Essential : Send me an e-mail, as detailed here, to verify your registration. I'll reply later with your welcome message and password.
Just mail <register@peteatkin.com> with the Subject line "MV Registration", and then return to this page. Without this spam-protection step, your registration cannot be completed.
Please be patient — this is a manual process, and as I'm usually in the Pacific time zone (8 hours behind UK), I may not always respond the same day.
7Only when you've completed Steps 5 (selecting 'I Agree') and 6 (sending the e-mail),
click the button at the end of this line to finish the sign-up process :

Don't wait for a response to your verification e-mail — as noted in 6 (above), I will reply later, also by e-mail.
   This will not work
unless you've completed all steps!
Problem registering?   Check you've followed these 7 steps precisely, read the FAQ, then if you're still stuck, mail the admin, Stephen J Birkill, on <sjb(at)peteatkin(dot)com>.

Midnight Voices User Agreement and Privacy Policy, revised May 25th 2018

You agree, through your use of the Midnight Voices forum, not to post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, salacious, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually or racially offensive, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. This is a solemn commitment, and legal actions can be taken against you in the event of an offence. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes and solicitations are inappropriate to MV. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum, its moderators and administrator and any related websites.

Every message you post to the MV Forum, along with any embedded image or images, is considered to be placed by you into the public domain, and may be viewed by anyone with Internet access. Midnight Voices makes no claim to copyright in such material, nor does it protect any rights you may claim for yourself or others in the material. You will realise that it is impossible for us to confirm the validity of posts. Please remember that we do not actively monitor or review the posted messages and are not responsible for their content. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information presented. You hereby acknowledge that messages appearing here express the views of their authors, which are not necessarily the views of the MV forum, its moderators or administrator. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify the administrator immediately. We retain the right to remove objectionable content within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realise that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.

You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate, though you will be able after registration to enter either an alias or your real name (recommended) for display in the forum, In registering this user account, you agree never to reveal your password to another member, for your protection and for reasons of validation. You also agree never to use another member's account to post messages or browse this forum, nor to pass yourself off as another person with intent to deceive. This forum system uses cookies to store information locally on your computer. These cookies do not contain any personal or confidential information; they serve only to enhance your experience in using the forum. The e-mail address you give is used only to confirm your registration details and password, though you may optionally configure your user account to send you certain notifications by e-mail. By default your e-mail address is confidential to MV and hidden from other users.

Please note that with each post to Midnight Voices the sender's IP address is recorded, as a spam protection measure and against the possibility that we may at some future date need to ban that user from MV or to contact his or her ISP. This will only happen in the event of the most serious and intentional violation of this agreement. IP addresses are held in confidence and are visible only to the Administrator.

After you complete registration and log into the MV forum, you will have the option of completing a detailed profile. Whilst membership requires no more than your name and a confirmed e-mail address, you will have the opportunity to add additional information for the interest of the membership community. This may include any alias, nickname or display name you may choose to go by, an image of your choice, a tag line to accompany the image, the Internet address of your Website or blog, and a signature line to be appended to each message you post. These optional items, together with your date of joining MV, will be visible to all. What you add here is entirely your own decision and no-one else can edit it, but in order better to comply with the spirit of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) we have removed several entry fields: Midnight Voices no longer offers to store your age, gender, birthdate, location, street address, time zone or instant-messaging service IDs. We have removed all these fields and their content from every member profile as of May 25th 2018. We have also reset all members' e-mail visibility status to 'hidden'. Please be aware that anything you add in the "Optional Information" section will be publicly accessible, so should not include any sensitive or private personal data.

Midnight Voices also includes a Personal Message system for private communications between members. Use of this system is entirely optional, and each user has full control over his or her PM message files, including permanent deletion if desired, via the Message item in the Menu bar. Messages exchanged via the PM system can be viewed only by the message originator and recipient, but MV cannot guarantee delivery of messages.

Acceptance of this Agreement indicates your consent to such personal information as you may provide being stored in a database. Whilst your MV password, e-mail address, Personal Messages and your computer's IP address are held in confidence and will not be divulged, disclosed, sold, traded, shared with any party or published without your express permission, we cannot protect against the consequences of equipment malfunction, or inadvertent or malicious action. Notwithstanding this, Midnight Voices reserves the right to reveal to the proper authorities your identity or any information we may have about you in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any information posted by you. It is your responsibility to present accurate information. Any content we deem misleading or intentionally offensive will be removed.

The above-mentioned items represent the totality of your personal data stored on our server. This data will be retained for as long as you remain a member of Midnight Voices, and will be erased as soon as you resign your membership. We have no access to, nor do we store or process, any private financial information, private identities, usernames or log-ins to any other Internet or other service. Should you wish to remove an unwanted or incorrect item of information from your public profile, select "Profile" from the MV menu bar, delete the offending entry and click on "Save Profile". Beyond this, you have the right and the ability to opt out of Midnight Voices completely and permanently at any time, with total deletion of your personal data. To cancel your membership and delete your personal file, select "Profile" as above, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Delete User". This will remove all of your personal data, but will leave your past posts intact, your name being tagged "Ex-member". To go further and anonymise your past posts you will need to contact the MV Administrator, verify your identity and request anonymisation. This is a manual process and may take some hours. Your name will be replaced in MV by a token such as "Ex-member #nnnn". Please understand that any references to you by name in other members' posts, blogs or Websites will remain, as will any copies of your public posts held elsewhere on the Internet as the result of activities beyond our control by Web crawler services, search engines or other data-harvesting operations.

Clicking the "I Agree" button below will indicate that you have read and understood this, the Midnight Voices User Agreement and Privacy Policy, and consent to its terms. Please direct any questions to me, Stephen J Birkill, Administrator, Midnight Voices: the Pete Atkin Web Forum, <sjb(at)peteatkin(dot)com>.

I Agree     I Do Not Agree

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