Pete Smith
MV Fresher

Posts: 3
Shameless Not-For-Profit Self-Promotion
« : 22.03.12 at 17:42 » |
The shadow of Atkin/James has always loomed long and large in my life. About a year ago, I started trying to write songs seriously, and I've found that Clive's lyrics in particular have become a benchmark for lyrical perfection. Without consciously trying to copy, there's a bunch of Jamesian qualities that I keep referring to when working on my lyrics: perfectly disciplined scanning and metre; elegant rhymes; a conversational tone, at once allusive and elusive; and slightly left field, some might say off-the-wall, subject matter. I'm not doing this in some vain hope of achieving fame and/or fortune, it's a hobby, one at which I want to get better. I welcome comments on the material, and I'm hopeful that the enlightened souls of Midvodia might offer a few. Good or bad, doesn't matter, as long as it's constructive. My recent efforts and some of the earlier ones that I've re-recorded can be found at Be warned, I'm no great shakes as a performer, although I'm getting better with practice. I would recommend starting with the Soundcloud stuff, if you're feeling strong I also have a YouTube channel at, which comprises early attempts, a couple of covers, and a few collaborations where I set other people's lyrics to my melodies. Once again, I'm not selling anything, this is purely for my own entertainment, but I harbour a slight but considerable ember of hope that there might be an audience out there if I work at it. Thanks for listening, Pete Smith