Murray McGlew
MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 55
Clive's back.
« : 19.07.05 at 13:05 » |
I discovered rather belatedly that Clive is - or was until just recently - back down under for what must have been a hectic round of appearances. Various people have told me that he has been on this or that TV show. This included "The Footy Show" apparently, which surprised me somewhat, him being a Rugby League man and the show being about the great Australian game. Just shows his versatility. I'm told that the host mentioned that they had never before had anyone on the show who had written a book of verse. It would be a very unkind person who added "or read" after the word "written". Unfortunately I was only able to catch him once, on a chat show called "Enough Rope". The host, named Andrew Denton, is funny and clever, so he and Clive bounced off each other quite well. As with every show I have seen Clive on, it suffered from being much too short. He has done too much, and knows too much, so you would probably need a long series of one-on-one, two-hour interviews. A bit like the ones that are (were?) on his web site. Andrew did manage a few surprises. Well Clive looked surprised anyway. There was some footage of very early Clive, including a stage appearance in his Sydney University days. At the end of his stint they brought out a beautiful tango dancer for him to strut his stuff with. (With whom he could strut his stuff? I must dig out "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" again.) It sounds as though he is as busy as ever in his retirement, so we can look forward to plenty more from him yet. Murray.