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   'Official' ThOD Photographs
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   Author  Thread: 'Official' ThOD Photographs  (Read 6973 times)
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Alexis Birkill

Posts: 44
'Official' ThOD Photographs
« : 10.09.06 at 20:41 »

Somehow I got roped into being the 'official' photographer for the gig, so here is a few of the photos I took during the night.  They're far from fantastic, but hopefully will give a small sense of the wonderful atmosphere of the event to those who couldn't make it, and help those who did make it re-live it!
The Lantern Theatre:


Sound checks:




The Audience:

More Pete:






All over...



...except for the after-show party:








A number of people asked me for high-res shots during the evening, and my memory's surprisingly bad for someone so young, so please, IM me with any requests!  Also, if you think I took a shot and you don't see it here, let me know and I'll have a look - it might not be any good, but you're welcome to have a copy!  If anyone was unsure who I was, I was the guy wandering around with what's called in the trade a BWL (big white lens!)
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Frank Parkinson
MV Fresher

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1
Re: 'Official' ThOD Photographs
« Reply #1: 14.09.06 at 21:02 »

Hi Alexis
Firstly can I just say well done on the excellent pictures from Saturdays gig they will serve as a reminder of what was a great evening for us all.
I am the guy sat next to Cary apparently involved in animated conversation (now heres the vain bit ), are there any shots that might have caught me full face!No worries if not I'm  sure the world will keep turning and anyway theres always 2016 ! for a resit !
Thanks again and best wishes
Frank Parkinson
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: 'Official' ThOD Photographs
« Reply #2: 14.09.06 at 21:15 »

Excellent shots Alexis - and I have my own photographs to prove just how good yours are! (so mine will stay under wraps then!) and up on the site so fast - many thanks!
ps the fancy lens was obviously worth it if you can get the guitar's signature head from the back of the hall!
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MV Feature

Alexis Birkill

Posts: 44
Re: 'Official' ThOD Photographs
« Reply #3: 15.09.06 at 17:41 »

on 14.09.06 at 21:02, frank_parkinson wrote:
I am the guy sat next to Cary apparently involved in animated conversation (now heres the vain bit ), are there any shots that might have caught me full face!

Hi Frank!
Unfortunately you seem to have been particularly camera-shy during the evening - the shots I have of you are almost universally worse than the one I posted, such as this fine example:

The only one that is any better is unfortunately a (not particularly good) group shot:

Sorry about that!
on 14.09.06 at 21:15, Seán Kelly wrote:
ps the fancy lens was obviously worth it if you can get the guitar's signature head from the back of the hall!

Thanks for the kind words - they definitely came out better than I could have hoped for!  The trouble with the lens is that when you hand it back you end up wondering how many lungs you really *need* to survive, and what the going rate is for selling one on eBay...
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