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Thread: ThOD: Marriott reception (Read 16511 times) |
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
ThOD: Marriott reception
« : 15.08.06 at 15:40 » |
Listen up peeps! I've just been down to the Marriott to see if I can arrange a gathering spot for after the show. Very helpful they were too. However, it being a Saturday night they have a few weddings on and all the private rooms are booked. But they offered me sole use of the Café Bar, which forms part of the reception area. This, in my view, is even nicer for our requirements than a private room as it's not so isolated. So I've booked it! What I need now is for you to indicate to me whether or not you think you will attend. I'm going to order a small quantity of sandwiches, so I'd like to know numbers in order not to overspend. You may IM or email me, or reply to this thread if you like, I'll log it from here. Oh yes, one small downside to the Café Bar is that the bar closes at 11pm . BUT the management pointed out to me that residents can drink 'til way later than that and so although no money can pass over the bar after 11, residents can get drinks for others (which they'll need to be paid for of course!) I have a feeling that Messrs Busby, Gunningham, Crooks and others are going to find they've suddenly become everyone's best buddies! Carole
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #1: 15.08.06 at 16:06 » |
I forgot to mention that it would be nice if I could have some firm idea of numbers by the 28th August. Ta
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #2: 15.08.06 at 17:35 » |
Did I mention Tab is my middle name? Keith
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Leslie Moss
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Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #3: 15.08.06 at 21:39 » |
Gill and I will be staying at the Marriott too - so count us in. PS To other Marionettes, when/where are you planning to eat? Before the event? Cos we had originally planned to eat afterwards, but if we're schlonching in the Cafe Bar this changes things. Leslie
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MV Friend
 forty year fan
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Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #4: 16.08.06 at 11:26 » |
Yes please. Something before would be nice too, if anyone is arranging anything and doesn't mind an extra one. By the way, what IS a sclonch? I'm rather dub. about the etym. Thanks Nedd Horner
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Jim McNeil
MV Fresher

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Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #5: 16.08.06 at 13:21 » |
Count me in for post-music refreshments at the Marriott as well. If I have to travel all the way from Crookes, in North west Sheffield, I might as well make a night of it! Jim McNeil
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #6: 16.08.06 at 14:40 » |
Since I'll be arriving in Sheffield on the Friday, I'll have the time to make a reservation somewhere in the vicinity for for pre-event diners at, say, 6 on Saturday, informing restaurateurs that we would need to be done by 7 so as to get to the Lantern by 7:15. Leslie and Gill are already on board. You too, Nedd? Please let me know if you would like to join in. Humbly suggest meeting in the reception area of the Marriott at 5:45. Given time restraints, I could simply order set dinner for whatever number and have it ready when we arrive. Please advise of any dietary restrictions/preferences. Keith PS: this philologist is also in the dark about the origin of sclonch. Slainte? Etym. obsc.?
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Richard Bleksley
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Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #7: 16.08.06 at 15:03 » |
As far as I'm aware, a sclonch is a gathering of MVs on a lesser scale than a full-size *oD. The etymology, however, is obscure to me also. I think Mr. Love might know. Andy?
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Colin Crooks
MV Feature
 The Hypertension Kid
Posts: 46
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #8: 16.08.06 at 20:05 » |
Count us in! Colin & Kate Crooks
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Alan Manton
MV Friend

Posts: 15
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #9: 16.08.06 at 22:56 » |
I'd like to be there for the post event bash too. I've just Googled "sclonch meaning" and amazingly it only gets three hits. Perhaps even more amazingly, two are to be found at www.peteatkin. com. Makes yer think... Alan.
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Richard Corfield
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Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #10: 18.08.06 at 08:58 » |
Carole, I'll be there. Best, Richard
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John N L Morrison
MV Feature

Posts: 35
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #11: 18.08.06 at 19:23 » |
Now I'm even more sorry that we can't be there, as we'd booked a room at the Marriott. But regrettably family functions (especially if they're multi-cultural and require a senior male family member to be there) take precedence. But the tickets have gone to a good home....
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John N L Morrison
Andy Love
MV Feature

Posts: 57
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #12: 19.08.06 at 14:51 » |
Hi Chorus, Hi Nedd The origins of the word ‘sclonch’ lie in the sacred texts of Midvodia which are in the keeping of our Elders. An understanding of its full significance can only be gained through archival study but I think I can help if you will kindly bear with me… Our civilisation was born of the Songs Of Resonance, as you know. We came to our consciousness swathed in joy and revelation. What happened next is best described by quoting this brief extract from the very earliest parchments so far brought to light: “Then came from the skies Geon DaVish who would wail the Songs of Resonance. Then came from the skies Valhalla Dunnikhan who would bring impurity to the Songs Of Resonance. Then came from the skies Din Phartpick Tubthumper who would bring rebellion against the Songs Of Resonance. Midvodia was afraid. The skies filled with the poison clouds of Ponkhroc and it did rain much sputum upon this land and the Songs of Resonance faded from the air and the Scribes of The Songs of Resonance departed from this land. And derision was visited upon they that worshipped even in their private dwelling-places, for their spouses had turned against them in hatred. The people suffered long and in darkness. Nought remained to hurl at the enemy host. Then, from far to the North came a stranger. A poor farmer yet were his dishes arrayed upon the fields across the land of Monyash. He told of his journey of salvation. Borne to the East by mystic force he had found there a Scribe of The Songs of Resonance and had drawn Him even unto his own lands. He built Him a temple from whence to broadcast the Word and did his helpmeet of Shining Beauty take the Word unto to her heart. And the Lost Scribe of The Songs Of Resonance was drawn to the temple and the people rejoiced. And the people were drawn close to the temple and they did gather at the Great Feast of FoD and the beasts of the fields raised voice in praise of Him. And the Songs Of Resonance were heard anew throughout the land and The Scribes of The Songs Of Resonance did bring further great comfort to the people.” And so our New Age dawned. Returning to their homelands, the Midvodian diaspora spread the Word individually but would gather together from time to time (and still do to this day) to celebrate the Great Feast of FoD. Gatherings that involve fewer than a dozen, or so, celebrants became known as ‘sclonches’. The word itself roughly translates as “a brotherhood apart” (our language makes no gender distinction, of course, so a precise rendering to English is difficult) and first appeared in the sacred texts on Wednesday 18th November 1998 at 23:52, as measured by Muggle chronology. I do hope this helped, Nedd. As is my duty I will attend any sclonches organised for Sheffield and I promise to double up on my medication before then. A.
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #13: 19.08.06 at 20:48 » |
Superbly done Andy! See you at Sheffield
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MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 92
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #14: 19.08.06 at 22:08 » |
Well, after an exposition such as that how can you not go a schlonching? So - count me in please Carole for the post show bash and Keith please for the pre show nosh. Have we got an official countdown yet?
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…………. _/\ /\_ …………. ….Cary….a a…. Like Mary @ ..With a..“C”..for cat
Colin Crooks
MV Feature
 The Hypertension Kid
Posts: 46
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #15: 20.08.06 at 21:56 » |
Keith, Colin & Kate are up for your pre-dshow dining. We are "eclectic" in our tastes. Haggis & Chips & Mushy Peas with a fine Shiraz perhaps? Colin
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Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM
Posts: 207
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #16: 21.08.06 at 14:18 » |
Wow! Loads of new messages since I got back (just been on tour for a week down in sunny Kent, 7 gigs in 5 days - beat that, Pete!) Frankie & I would love to attend the post-ThOD Marrionated sclonching session, and would also like to be included in any pre-ThOD consumption of comestibles, and of course the requisite accompanying beverages. If anyone (Keith?) has a chance to investigate the local real ale hostelries we wouldn't be averse to a pre-prandial pint or two if that can be arranged as well. Looking forward to it. Cheers Paul
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
MV Friend
 forty year fan
Posts: 22
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #17: 21.08.06 at 18:37 » |
Thank you, Andy. That is splendid! Nedd
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MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 4
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #18: 25.08.06 at 16:08 » |
Good Day All It would be great to meet up prior to the musical entertainment at the Marriott. Count us in. Regards Steve
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: ThOD: Marriott reception
« Reply #19: 25.08.06 at 17:06 » |
Hi Dr Sir The Marriott reception is after the musicality. A chance to have a bit more of a chat than the interval affords before we all, as it were, diasporise. Keith Busby seems to be arranging the pre-do collective nosh so contact him if you're interested in that. I'll count you in for my bit anyway unless you let me know otherwise. Carole
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