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   10th Anniversary Bash
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   Author  Thread: 10th Anniversary Bash  (Read 38905 times)
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
10th Anniversary Bash
« : 23.02.06 at 12:54 »

Dear Atkinites
This is by way of a 'watch this space' message. It will be ten years ago in August since we went to see Pete at The Crown in Eastbourne and the revival was born! We can't see this life-affirming anniversary pass without doing anything, so we are at the very early stages of planning to do something!
With Pete's agreement, we are working on some dates and will post as soon we have a definite. What I can tell you so far, should it all work out, is that it will be in Sheffield, in a venue with a very limited number of seats, more autumn than high summer and will not be the 'traditional' style 'oD but will be Pete, on his own, playing just for us.
More will be posted as and when. Don't forget to check back....
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #1: 23.02.06 at 19:52 »

That was a lovely piece of news to receive on a chilly damp day  Smiley
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #2: 24.02.06 at 01:38 »

Excellent news, indeed. Do we get to express a preference for period, Carole, or would that complicate matters too much?
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #3: 24.02.06 at 10:25 »

Hi Keith
Yes, it would Smiley  We are already juggling venue availability, Pete's availability (he has been and still is very busy with the day job) and our own availability to pull the thing together. We are not just up to our eyes in work at the minute but are submerging for the third time!
I do hope you'll be able to make it, whatever the date turns out to be.
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Richard Bleksley
MV Fixture

My time has come to find a better way

Posts: 164
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #4: 24.02.06 at 21:00 »

I must agree with Jan and Keith - great news!  I was wondering when the next MV function would be.  I was even preparing (though only Pete and Andy know this) to have another go myself (Do I hear cries of "The man must be mad!"?), but now I'll put my schemes on the back burner, at least until next year.
I just hope I'll be able to come (distance, work commitments, etc....)
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Leslie Moss
MV Fixture

Marmite Soldier

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Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #5: 25.02.06 at 00:38 »

Wow! I shall definitely be watching this space!
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Simon Reap
MV Fixture

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Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #6: 27.02.06 at 09:19 »

This is definitely one of the threads that deserves a click on "Notify of replies'!!
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Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM

Posts: 207
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #7: 02.03.06 at 17:00 »

I've only just seen the great news (I always seem to miss something important if I don't look at the forum for a week or so - as my old granny used to say "a watched forum never has any interesting news").
But now supergluing my eyes to this thread as I type, which isn't as easy as it sounds, I can tell you  Grin
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #8: 03.03.06 at 18:28 »

Announcement due in the next couple of days.... Smiley
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Booking Info - 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #9: 04.03.06 at 13:24 »

Saturday, September 9th 2006 at 7.30pm
The Lantern Theatre
Kenwood Park Road
Nether Edge
S7 1NF

A little info about the venue, the Lantern Theatre. It is situated in an established residential area, among largish Victorian houses, but separated from the house next door by a wall. Originally it was in the grounds of this next-door house and built as the owners' own private theatre. It fell into neglect and was eventually spotted by Dilys Guite who thought it would be an admirable home for her Players. She set about raising donations for its purchase (the largest one she received was ten shillings, apparently). The Dilys Guite Players still use the Lantern Theatre today.
It is a gem of a place: proscenium stage, centre aisle stalls and a tiny balcony up a winding wooden staircase. A recent addition has been a modern reception area built onto the front of the building which as well as providing toilets and a small bar area, also protects the original front entrance stonework. Before this, drinks were served to the seats.
I wouldn't want to kid you that this theatre is in pristine condition - it certainly has a degree of tattiness (it would lose charm if it was tarted up) but it does have a PA system(!) and lighting board and it is just the right venue for what we want. Also, hiring it puts a little more money into the coffers for gentle refurbishment.
There are 80 seats for sale, that's all. So it's first come... Tickets are 10 pounds each, cheques payable to Carole Birkill. Postal address here (bottom of page). Or select 'Archive' on the Forum menu bar, then scroll to the bottom of the members-only index page - you need to be logged in to the Forum to access this. Tickets will not go out right away (we ain't done 'em yet) but sending your money will ensure you a seat. Please include your postal address for me to send the tickets to, and if you also include your email address I'll send you confirmation that I've received your payment.
[Don't attempt to contact the theatre direct - this being a private event they are not handling our bookings].
There seem to be lots of tools on the internet that will show/guide you to a location but if you have any questions, send me an IM, or email if you already know my address.
For anyone wishing to stay the night, there is local accommodation at the Marriott Hotel, Kenwood Road, Sheffield S7 1NQ - pretty much just across the street. Less pricey and just a little further out (distance shown on Autoroute as 0.7 miles) Roslyn Court Hotel, 180 Psalter Lane. Lots more accommodation of all kinds in Sheffield of course (city centre 1.5 miles), maybe some just as close - I've only started you off. The Roslyn Court is right next to a pub called The Psalter, which serves food. The Stag, Psalter Lane S11 8YL,  is very close to the Theatre and also does food.
So, there it is! Any questions - I'm sure you'll ask Smiley. Hope you can make it.
PS: (added March 13th) - see live update of 'ThOD' seat availability on the Website.
« Last Edit: 13.03.06 at 12:02 by Carole »     https://peteatkin.com/forum?board=ods&action=display&num=1140699256&start=9#9   copy 
Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #10: 04.03.06 at 15:08 »

Cheque in mail.
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Colin Crooks
MV Feature

The Hypertension Kid

Posts: 46
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #11: 05.03.06 at 13:14 »

Oh yes indeedy !!
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Avner Greenberg
MV Feature

Posts: 62
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #12: 05.03.06 at 21:28 »

Great idea Carole. The venue sounds just right. Doubtful that I'll be able to make it, but wishing you all success for this venture.
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Avner Greenberg
John N L Morrison
MV Feature

Posts: 35
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #13: 06.03.06 at 22:13 »

Trying as I type to book at the Marriott - ruddy system is of course down. But will pop cheque in the post tomorrow.
Yours, ex-"spymaster" John.
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John N L Morrison
John N L Morrison
MV Feature

Posts: 35
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #14: 06.03.06 at 22:33 »

Hoorah - Marriott have deigned to take our reservation! We'll be there! Envelope by the door ready to be posted tomorrow.
(So, you need to identify me? I'll be standing by the potted palm with a copy of yesterday's "Times" and a pink carnation in my buttonhole)
No, not really, I'll still be the portly grey-haired chap you may or may not remember from "Panorama" in 2004 - my 15 minutes of fame, being beastly about the PM, which got me sacked! Best thing which could have happened.....
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John N L Morrison
Stephen Chivers
MV Friend

Midnight Voices

Posts: 10
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #15: 06.03.06 at 22:53 »

Great news at the end of a bad day! My cheque too will be in the post tomorrow morning.
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John B. Smith
MV Fresher

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Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #16: 08.03.06 at 21:17 »

Great to hear about another gig, north of the smoke.  Cheque in the post tomorrow morning for two.
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John B. Smith
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #17: 10.03.06 at 08:51 »

Nice one Carole  Cheesy Cheesy
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Lesley Hodges
MV Fresher

Posts: 1
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #18: 13.03.06 at 11:32 »

Cheque in the post and I am about to book the Marriott!
Lesley Hodges
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: 10th Anniversary 'ThOD' - update
« Reply #19: 13.03.06 at 12:28 »

Hey, you done good! More seats sold than remaining, in just one week! This calls for a re-naming ceremony. It will henceforth be known as ThOD !
I've added a PS to my original booking info message which points you to a live seats remaining count on the Smash Flops site (you might need to reload the page if you've visited it recently). Remember, if I haven't sent you a confirming email or IM, I haven't got your booking. If you haven't got around to sending it yet - get a wiggle on! Smiley
If anyone is unsure about spending the night, or the weekend, in Sheffield, perceiving it to be a grimy industrial place, let me tell you it's one of the greenest cities in England. This woodland is less than a mile from the venue, which in turn is only about three miles from the edge of the Peak District National Park.
Keep those cheques coming!
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