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Thread: 10th Anniversary Bash (Read 38904 times) |
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #20: 21.03.06 at 11:37 » |
Its strangely reassuring to hear that the Lantern theatre is "separated from the house next door by a wall". Looking forward to checking it out! Seán (listen mate everybody here has a role - and mine is to write rubbish like this!)
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #21: 21.03.06 at 11:52 » |
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Andrew Long
MV Friend
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 31
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #22: 23.03.06 at 19:55 » |
Count us in! (paradoxically spent last Friday at the marriott in Nether Edge for my niece's wedding reception) Cheque etc on its way. Andrew
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
« Reply #23: 07.04.06 at 14:06 » |
Just a reminder about this event -- for full details see my message higher up the list. We are now down to 25 tickets remaining: you can check availability by going to the Smash Flops homepage. Make sure you refresh the page. There are one or two people who have posted to say they are applying for tickets, but I haven't received their order. If you haven't had confirmation from me that your cheque has arrived at HQ, then it hasn't! On receipt I will email or IM to let you know your tickets have been reserved. Remember to include your email address or IM member name. Thanks to everyone who has supported ThOD so far. For the very first time in the history of a Birkill-organised event we are home and dry financially! So this is not a chivvy in the way that it has been in the past, more a gentle nudge to say that if you would like to be part of this anniversary celebration, don't leave it too late to secure your ticket! Carole
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Leslie Moss
MV Fixture
 Marmite Soldier
Posts: 161
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #24: 08.04.06 at 12:28 » |
Although Carole doesn't want to chivvy, I'd like, as moderator of the *oD threads, to gently chivvy a mere 10% of the five-sixths of the MV membership who haven't yet signed up for Thod to make up the remaining 25 places. Anyone who has been to a previous *oD knows what a wonderful atmosphere it is when Pete performs for his most attentive (nay, obsessive) fans - those who have hugged his music to their hearts for thirty years or more and those who have come more recently to these precious jewels. It's also very special to be able to meet up with the names and faces we've become familiar with through MVs - on line and in person. And if you've never been to an *oD before, boy do you have a treat in store! See you there folks! Leslie
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Jeremy Pymer
MV Friend
 Impractical Man
Posts: 16
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #25: 15.04.06 at 23:13 » |
Dear Carole I'm breaking my longest ever lurk to tell you that a cheque is in the post for 2 tickets for ThOD on 9 September, along with a SAE. See you then and in the meantime thank you for this opportunity! Jeremy Pymer
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #26: 18.04.06 at 20:00 » |
Come on now folks roll up, roll up - according to the front page of smash flops there are only 24 tickets left for this most fantastical event - book now to avoid disappointment - and there are only 143 days and 23 hours and 27 minutes and 21 seconds and 581 millisec.. 292 no, hang on - I had it just then - anyway not long to go - miss this one at your peril - surely this one will be a sellout.
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John N L Morrison
MV Feature

Posts: 35
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #27: 08.05.06 at 22:43 » |
Come, now, folks - fill up the remaininig seats! We'll be in Canterbury, with any luck, by the time of the concert, so it'll be a long way up - but we'll recognise all of you C/A addicts even without a carnation and a copy of the Times. I'll be the portly chap with grey hair and a passing resemblance to Smiley...
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John N L Morrison
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
ThOD update
« Reply #28: 15.05.06 at 10:48 » |
Just 12 tickets left now! For those people who have no idea what I'm talking about, see my message earlier in this thread for full details. If you're checking Smash Flops to see how many tickets are left, remember to refresh the page. Remember also that tickets will not go out for a while yet. All who have sent payment have tickets reserved for them, which will be sent nearer the time when we have designed them. If you send me payment I will always confirm receipt here at HQ, either by email if you remember to supply it, or Instant Message if you don't -- so long as I can figure out who you are . No confirmation from me = no payment received or no way of contacting you. So if you think you've sent payment and haven't heard from me, let me know. A note about Instant Message - some people don't realise that I've contacted them this way until they next log on to the Forum and maybe spot the 'you have 1 new message' flag. You can make sure that any IM sent to you also goes to your registered (Forum) email address by going to Profile (you need to be logged in to see this menu option) - scroll down to IM preferences - select Yes for 'notify by email'. Keep those cheques coming! Carole
« Last Edit: 15.05.06 at 16:23 by Carole » | |
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 4
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #29: 18.05.06 at 12:49 » |
Hi All Cheque is in the post, frantically working it's way through the guts of a Royal Mail sorting office. Looking forward to the gig and meeting you guys. Regards Dr Sir Rev Steve
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Phil Naldrett
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices?
Posts: 1
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #30: 31.05.06 at 09:24 » |
Hiya, My first post, which is also coincidentally where my cheque is for two tickets to the bash. Hope that I'm not pipped at the, erm, post. Phil
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #31: 20.06.06 at 10:54 » |
A quick glance at the Ticketometer (Smash Flops homepage, remember to refresh) will reveal there are just 2 tickets left! Yes, TWO! Who will buy my last two tickets? While I'm here, I know that a sclonch of you are staying at the Marriott, but is there a secondary sclonch staying elsewhere? I ask because I know MV's like to get (as someone put it) post match analysis and the Marriott won't fit everyone's (ahem) bill. Please post if you have any info. Two tickets! Get yours now! Carole
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Stephen Chivers
MV Friend
 Midnight Voices
Posts: 10
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #32: 29.06.06 at 12:16 » |
A sell out was surely never in doubt, but congratulations to Carole for achieving it so quickly! Next thing is the tickets arriving and then roll on Saturday, 9 September.
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MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 4
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #33: 13.07.06 at 15:04 » |
There are plenty of tickets left for Pete's gig in deepest Sussex on 24 July - venue capacity is 200 plus (and what a venue)! Anyone interested can email: or check the Acoustic Sussex website for other details.( ). Use the same email or this board if you need any information on accommodation locally, etc. Regards. Martin
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MV Fixture
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 153
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #34: 13.07.06 at 20:27 » |
Wow, it looks beautiful ! Next stop Glyndebourne, Pete ?! Hope the weather's good that night ... Naomi
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Back on Topic: SOSB (ThOD)
« Reply #35: 30.07.06 at 17:17 » |
Only 41 days to go before the Sold Out Sheffield Bash! I have 80 tickets here and they will go out in batches this coming week. I will contact you by whatever method (email/IM) I used before to let you know when yours are in the post. Please contact me if you don't receive them after a suitable period of time. Steve has prepared a page of information, maps and directions for those coming along to the event. You'll find it here, if you're logged in to the Forum. Carole
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Tickets despatched!
« Reply #36: 01.08.06 at 14:52 » |
The Carole that was going to send out the tickets in batches this week got overtaken by the Carole who got them all in the post today! All have gone 2nd class (unless you sent me a sae with a 1st class stamp on it) except the overseas ones of course. So can I save myself a little work here and instead of notifying you all separately, tell the collective you to expect the tickets very soon? Good - I thought you wouldn't mind Now, I'll try and get myself back together... Carole
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
ThOD: directions and area guide
« Reply #37: 06.08.06 at 15:22 » |
I've just updated the page giving directions to the Lantern Theatre, with a list of restaurants in the vicinity. This is in our members-only area -- you need to log in to the Forum in order to view the page: Lantern Theatre directions Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
Leslie Moss
MV Fixture
 Marmite Soldier
Posts: 161
Re: ThOD: directions and area guide
« Reply #38: 11.08.06 at 19:54 » |
on 06.08.06 at 15:22, S J Birkill wrote:I've just updated the page giving directions to the Lantern Theatre, with a list of restaurants in the vicinity. This is in our members-only area -- you need to log in to the Forum in order to view the page: Lantern Theatre directions Steve |
| Steve, you are a seriously completist person - the postcode and top-three eateries would have been more than enough! Has the Sheffield City Council considered offering you a job as tourism officer?! Leslie
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Colin Crooks
MV Feature
 The Hypertension Kid
Posts: 46
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #39: 13.08.06 at 21:17 » |
Steve I just LOVE your Error 404 reply from the directions page! Colin
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