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   10th Anniversary Bash
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   Author  Thread: 10th Anniversary Bash  (Read 38901 times)
Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM

Posts: 207
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #60: 13.09.06 at 09:25 »

Word soon gets around - see here (BBC news item today)
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
S J Birkill
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just a sensible reserve

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Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #61: 13.09.06 at 09:39 »

I thought we'd inspired this one!
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Stephen J Birkill
MV Fresher

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Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #62: 14.09.06 at 09:27 »

Many thanks to Pete, Carol and Steve for a fantastic eve. A great gig and hope there will be many more we can attend.
Thanks again.
The Fraudulent Dr Sir Rev Steve.
PS.  2nd version gets my vote.
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Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #63: 14.09.06 at 18:53 »

And it's a good many thanks, each one of them generously proportioned, from me too to everyone involved, to the Lantern, to all who came, to Alexis (not least for carrying the Roland and for the great pics), but most of all of course to Steve and Carole.
I was deeply unsure about whether I was doing the right thing in assembling a set which included none, or at least very few, of the likely top request candidates, so a further thank to everyone who decided not to bash me over the head either physically or metphorically for not singing BOTBS or Honky Tonk Train (actually, that is everybody).   Not everything worked out quite as I'd intended, but, hey, that's rock and roll.  So I'm told.    
The song pairings were, like so much else, a last-minute idea, one that resulted perhaps from not having looked closely at the songs concerned for a while.  It occurred to me that the Rider To The World's End and the horseman in Tenderfoot are probably the same character.  Likewise the Hypertension Kid and the Shadow And The Widower -- although the S&W is clearly in less philosophical mood.   I also had in mind to pair Between Us There Is Nothing with the Hollow And The Fluted Night (another of the 'orphans' that no one ever mentions, but which I have a bit of a persistent thing for), as they're both about the same kind of relationship, it seems to me.   There may be other possibilities...
Having played around with open tunings on the Steel in order to find a way to use it for Tonight Your Love Is Over (I used the pretty much standard open D), I think I can see some other possibilities there too....
New threads have opened up for some other thoughts, so I'll go through the appropriate channels, as they say.
Meanwhile, to everyone who wasn't there:  don't feel bad, you wouldn't have enjoyed it;  and many another thank to everyone who was.
All best wishes to all
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Alan Manton
MV Friend

Posts: 15
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #64: 15.09.06 at 11:42 »

A bit late perhaps but I would like to echo the praise that has been justifiably heaped on all aspects of the recent Sheffield gathering.  It’s taken me a while because I cleverly used Pete’s gig as an excuse for my wife and I (firmly ensconced in front of the telly during Pete’s performance – yes my wife DOES hate Pete Atkin…) to take a five day mini-break in the Peak District.  Thank you Pete, Carole and Steve for helping with my holiday arrangements.
And what of the night itself?  I’ve had the good fortune to see Pete quite a few times since the early seventies and surprisingly, despite increasing age-related brain atrophying I can remember many of the venues.  But after a single visit, for me the Lantern is elevated to the top of the pile.  What a gem!  I’m not sure I would have fully believed a verbal description unless I’d actually seen it with my own eyes.  I secretly imagine that Steve and Carole actually had it created for us as the perfect PA venue.  Surely this has to be true as the seats were previously un-graced by bottoms and it still smelt of new carpet.  Even as we speak, perhaps the gaffers are reverting it to an ordinary house…
Pete, I don’t understand how you could have had any doubts that the assembled MVs would have appreciated your set list.  It was wonderful.  Definitely one for the connoisseurs.  I knew it was going to be good from the very opening number.  To my ears, Eye of The Universe has always sounded better on the original guitar demo than the Lakeside keyboard arrangement.  This version was different again but owed more to the earlier incarnation.  (Perhaps this could be a candidate for another of Sean’s version 1 / version 2 votes).
The evening was exciting and a bit unpredictable.  There were several occasions where it took quite a few bars before I could mentally sing along.  In fact, with some of the new arrangements, I was still stumped at the end of the song.
As for the great Here We Stay debate I can be absolutely positive on my vote – I like both of them!  I’ll go with Pete’s suggestion of ‘topping and tailing’ the next album with each version.
Finally, I feel that I must suggest a correction to Pete’s last post in which he stated “Meanwhile, to everyone who wasn't there:  don't feel bad, you wouldn't have enjoyed it”.  Sorry everybody – he’s wrong – you would have loved it!
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You gotta help me doc...
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 886
ThOD: The Review
« Reply #65: 20.09.06 at 21:59 »

First full-scale review of the event, HERE. Thanks to Richard Bleksley for a most thorough job!  
I'll follow up with a page of photos soon -- SJB
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Stephen J Birkill
Bogus Trumper
MV Fellow

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Posts: 284
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #66: 21.09.06 at 12:18 »

One day, one day, I will get a trip to UK co-ordinated with an *oD
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And so goodbye, my lady of a night
Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM

Posts: 207
Re: ThOD: The Review
« Reply #67: 21.09.06 at 16:56 »

Excellent review, Richard!
I would just like to dispel any suspicions that I don't like the song National Steel, as the wording might be interpreted that way! I love to hear National Steel played on the National Steel by Pete, but I just thought it would be interesting to hear Pete play something other than that on it. Which of course Pete did at ThoD - thanks again, Pete!
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 886
ThOD: The Review with photos
« Reply #68: 21.09.06 at 17:21 »

I've just embellished and informed Richard's already excellent review with a few photos and links. It's still HERE.
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Stephen J Birkill
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #69: 21.09.06 at 20:06 »

Great Review Richard - brought it all back very well indeed - impressive memory - or you must have had your head in a notepad half the show!  
ps IM me your email address and I'll send you a shot of you and your family eating ice cream before the show - can't say fairer than that can you?!
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: ThOD: The Review
« Reply #70: 22.09.06 at 11:49 »

Very nice review, Richard. I was indeed hugely pleased to hear You Better Face It Boy and I didn't even ask!  
One little story from the night: the Lantern boss-man had told me earlier in the day about the time they had had a musical performer there and the audience thought this person so dreadful that all but six of them ended up in the bar, one of the six coming through to complain that they couldn't hear the performance for the row coming from the bar.  
At the end of our show, just before the encore when we were trying to persuade Pete to return (on his own admission he was a little slower than Clive would have been) the back door opened a crack and a very anxious face peeped through and then relaxed. Maybe the boss-man thought that we might have been rioting  at a rotten performance and his new seats were being wrecked! Smiley
Anybody else feel able to do a review, or has Richard done such a good job that there's Nothing Left To Say?
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Murray McGlew
MV Feature

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Posts: 55
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #71: 23.09.06 at 03:25 »

Great review of what was obviously a wonderful show, with the fringe benefit of the befores and afters.
I'd like to record my admiration of the theatre. It looks like the actual theatre of our dreams.
Anything we do here happens in the town hall, which like most of them was built to handle everything from indoor sport to dances. Biggish, cold in winter, and with dodgy acoustics, it does the job but only just. Every now and then we fantasise about what something that was smaller and built just to be a theatre would be like, and guess what. It would be just like the Lantern in the photos.
Since I'm not in a position to buy it and have it shipped back here brick by brick and reassembled, I suppose I will just have to put it on my list of things to see when I get over there one day.
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Avner Greenberg
MV Feature

Posts: 62
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #72: 27.09.06 at 21:48 »

May I add my very long overdue thanks (been on the road awhile) to Carole and to everyone else who had anything to do with making ThoD such a truly memorable event. It's been 7 very eventful years since the Birkills' last production, and this was a worthy successor indeed.  
Warm regards to old and new friends.
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Avner Greenberg
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 886
Re: 10th Anniversary Bash
« Reply #73: 27.09.06 at 22:05 »

Thank you all for your kind words. This really was one of the easiest shows ever to organise (for myself as well as for Carole, who did most of the work), and one of the most rewarding for us and for Pete too I think, especially given the universal appreciation. A large chunk of thanking to you all!
Just a word about photos: I noticed there were quite a few flashes going off, especially outside the auditorium. Good! I'm still intending to assemble a page of shots of the more social side of the evening. If you have any photos you'd like to share, please don't be deterred by the brilliant camerawork Snoopy has shown us; send us your own efforts and I'll try to include the best of them. I already have some good ones from Keith Busby, including the pre-show dinner, but I'm sure there are more lurking out there (and Carole has a pretty good idea who the photographers are!) from the pre-show dinner, the concert, the interval bar, and the Marriott reception.
All contributions welcome -- as always, to sjb(at)peteatkin(dot)com.
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Stephen J Birkill
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 886
ThOD extracurricular photos
« Reply #74: 30.09.06 at 20:06 »

Thanks to Keith Busby and Seán Kelly (and of course Alexis Birkill), I am pleased to announce a pageful of non-concert photos from the ThoD weekend, HERE. Some of the photos are quite large -- broadband recommended!
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Stephen J Birkill
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