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Thread: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009 (Read 93085 times) |
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« : 25.04.09 at 12:58 » |
Hello MVs Anyone fancy a return to the Lantern Theatre (Sheffield)? Oh good, so did I, and Pete has very kindly agreed to go along with it. Saturday 19th September is the day. Start time yet to be decided but probably 7.30 and a ticket price of £12 - please enclose a stamped addressed envelope -- I forgot to ask for that last time . Tickets will be sent out later (probably a lot later!) when we've done 'em, but you can put your order in straight away. For anyone who didn't (or even those who did!) go last time, the Lantern only has 84 seats so it really is important to book early. Back then, Steve assembled a page all about the area and amenities here, and although some things have changed, much remains the same. It will get updated nearer the time. The review page from the 2006 event is here, and the Lantern now has its own website here. Please send me an IM if you wish to book, or if you have any queries. By return I'll do my best to answer your question(s) and advise you how to pay. No provisional reservations though -- I do need payment, which I will confirm, also by IM. Only then will your seat(s) be booked. Now, isn't this something lovely to look forward to?! Carole
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #1: 28.04.09 at 08:51 » |
Great Work Carole !
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: ThOD revisited: a note about IMs
« Reply #2: 29.04.09 at 16:32 » |
Just a word about Instant Messaging for people who don't use it very often/ever! I made it simple to IM me, using the red IM link on my original message. Here it is again: IM. My message back to you will go into your personal IM 'inbox' on the forum. If you have your 'preferences' (found under Profile) set to 'notify by email' you'll get a copy of my message to you in your normal email inbox as well. However, you can't click 'reply' in your email programme (well you can, and it will look like you've sent me a reply, but your message will find itself caught in the net that Steve has very thoughtfully set up so it doesn't get lost forever)! The way to reply is to log onto the forum, where you'll notice at the top of the page a red notification telling you you have a new message. Click on that and it will open up my message to you. Whereupon, should you need to, you can hit 'reply' and the whole jolly business starts again. Until today, you were only enabled to send an IM if you'd posted at least one public message to the Forum. This was an anti-spam measure set up a long time ago by Steve. Now he's removed that restriction, making it easier for the newly-joined to contact me (or anyone else!) For those with glazed eyes, or who have nodded off, or just plain given up - don't despair, I really do want you to come to The Lantern Theatre as I know it will be a great night. I will sign off with my full name and tell you that my email address is: first name@last name dot com. So use that if it makes things easier. Thank you to the people who have contacted me for tickets, I look forward to seeing you all, and lots more besides, on the 19th September! Carole Birkill
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #3: 16.05.09 at 10:56 » |
Just to add that the Sheffield Marriott Hotel where a number of us stayed last time seems no longer to be a Marriott but is now called the Kenwood Hall Hotel Seán
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Simon Reap
MV Fixture

Toggler to the few!
Posts: 115
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #4: 18.05.09 at 13:30 » |
on 16.05.09 at 10:56, Seán Kelly wrote:Just to add that the Sheffield Marriott Hotel where a number of us stayed last time seems no longer to be a Marriott but is now called the Kenwood Hall Hotel Seán |
| I've just booked a room there for ThOD2 by following the "it's cheaper if you book online" button. Has anyone actually tried to book over the phone and found it any more expensive? By the way, that site lists only one twin room still available for the 19th, though there are lots of doubles. Simon
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #5: 18.05.09 at 14:18 » |
I've booked through Superbreaks and got a double for £89 including breakfast, but I had to pay up front . Jan
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #6: 18.05.09 at 15:14 » |
I'm giving the Nether Edge a whirl this time. 39 quid p.n. Keith
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #7: 18.05.09 at 20:32 » |
I got £79 for a double room by going via the Kenwoods own website (see my post above) and only paid a deposit of 11.80 I think it was - with the rest to be paid on the night (sounds like an old-time gig contract -anyone rememeber the Liverpool Scene "Bread on the Night"? ooh sorry my off-topic alarm is flashing!)
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #8: 26.05.09 at 21:03 » |
on 26.05.09 at 11:07, Leslie Moss wrote: Any news of future gigs, especially those with Sarah and Simon as well? |
| Well it's not with Simon and Sarah but it is definitely a future gig: Sept 19th at the Lantern Theatre Sheffield Hope you make that one Leslie Jan
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: ThOD 2 Update 1
« Reply #9: 27.05.09 at 12:22 » |
If this was a school report it would read "could do better"! I have sold 22 tickets (that is, cheque received) with currently 6 tickets enquired about but not yet paid. Looking at the thread for the last time I did The Lantern, I see that more than half the 80 seats had sold in the first week. As anyone who went last time will attest (attest, attest, please!), it was a great night in a very special venue. If you book a ticket, you won't be disappointed. So...roll up roll up - stop pussyfooting and shillyshallying - get your tickets now! I'm still trying to decide if I should do the after-show gathering at the (as was Marriott) Kenwood Hall Hotel, but I need to have sold more tickets to make it worthwhile, and I need not to leave it too late or they won't have a room available. You see my dilemma? Send me an IM to book, and I'll tell you where to send your money. All is explained in this thread. Carole
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MV Friend
 Here's lurkin' .......
Posts: 27
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #10: 27.05.09 at 12:37 » |
As representative of 2 of the select band of 22, I attest (times 3 at least) that no-one should miss the opportunity to see and hear Pete is this excellent little venue in September. Beat a path to Carole's post box, and you will not regret it.
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Mike Walters
MV Fixture

Posts: 127
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #11: 27.05.09 at 13:17 » |
Just to second that - it's a terrific, intimate little venue. I thoroughly enjoyed the last performance there, and can't wait for this one. Mike
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #12: 27.05.09 at 18:28 » |
Thirded. A great time will be had by all. Roll up, sign up. Keith
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Leslie Moss
MV Fixture
 Marmite Soldier
Posts: 161
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #13: 28.05.09 at 08:53 » |
Fourthed - and my cheque is in the post Carole. Seriously folks, It's not just a chance to see Pete as his most relaxed - in the company of true obsessives! - but also to catch up with friends, both those actually met before and those who are names only to you beforehand. Carole is sticking her neck out to commit to the event - the least we can do is give it our full backing. Let's prove that Midnight Voices is more than just a talking-shop. Leslie
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Simon Reap
MV Fixture

Toggler to the few!
Posts: 115
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #14: 28.05.09 at 12:46 » |
I am still sorry that I missed the first ThOD, so when a re-run was announced I grabbed my chance as soon as I could. The theatre itself sounds delightful, and a chance to see Pete up close and personal can't be sniffed at. Get those IMs flowing! Simon
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Bogus Trumper
MV Fellow
 You alone will be my last adventure
Posts: 284
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #15: 28.05.09 at 21:03 » |
Ok, so when will there be an *OD on the States?
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And so goodbye, my lady of a night
Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #16: 29.05.09 at 00:43 » |
Aw, c'mon, Bogus. Why don't you double the contingent from the great Midwest? That nice Mrs. Birkill will do us proud.
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Bogus Trumper
MV Fellow
 You alone will be my last adventure
Posts: 284
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #17: 29.05.09 at 15:27 » |
I will try and organize another Ghent trip.
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And so goodbye, my lady of a night
Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #18: 29.05.09 at 20:24 » |
Attabogus. That way you get to drink Belgian beer, too.
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
MV Feature
 The Early Quitter
Posts: 37
Re: ThOD revisited: 19th September 2009
« Reply #19: 30.05.09 at 00:48 » |
Damn it! I could have actually gone to Sheffield! So long I've been waiting for a gig I could feasibly get to. And along comes on on 19th September. When I'll be in Dallas, Texas. Oh, how capricious Fate plays her cards with me like a Mississippi boat whore... Crushed. Next time...
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