S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Midsummer Newsletter
« : 27.06.23 at 20:17 » |
Pete circulated his latest newsletter (MV2302) a couple of days ago. Briefly, he covered: - The new CD, The Luck of the Draw, to be released September 1st.
- Latest additions to the Hillside Music shop: books, limited supply!
- Next appearance at The Pheasantry to be the CD launch event, with press invited.
- Other gigs: northern parts; Pete will not (did not) appear at Glastonbury this year.
The text of this newsletter (and all previous ones) can be read at https://www.peteatkin.com/newsletter.htm If you'd like to receive future newsletters directly into your mailbox on the day of issue, just complete the subscription form (only your name and e-mail address are required) at the bottom of the linked page. Steve