S J Birkill
MV Administrator
just a sensible reserve
Posts: 884
Mid (another) summer
« : 22.06.24 at 06:38 » |
Once again we have a solticial communiqué from Pete, timely as ever and this time quite a substantial one, reminding us and confirming all the good things we expected and hoped would happen, and more. He reminds us of the forthcoming events at: Eastbourne, The Lamb -- 17th July London, The Pheasantry -- 3rd August Ambleside, Zeffirelli's -- 20th September and confirms this one, rumoured here but now given the announcement it deserves (and booking already) : Middlesbrough, Toft House -- 21st September while adding a new date, precise venue and booking details to be confirmed: Cheltenham, 4th October, where he'll be found in conversation with former Archbishop Dr Rowan Williams, as well as playing some James/Atkin songs. This seems to be a fringe event, not part of the Festival proper, despite the timing. plus his autumn appearance with Simon: London, The Pheasantry -- 12th November The newsletter also covers the newest Pheasantry videos, my own latest additions to the Clive James Web Archive, and announces a new initiative from Clive's daughter Claerwen. if you receive Pete's Newsletter you'll have seen all of the above already; if not, you can still read all about these things on the Website, here. Gig details and booking links are, as ever, close at hand in the Gig Guide. Steve « Edit 22.06.24 to correct Cheltenham status -- SJB »