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   Pete Atkin
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   Author  Thread: Newsletter  (Read 12183 times)
Pete Atkin
MV Deity

Posts: 510
« : 28.01.05 at 16:02 »

With a couple of hiccups and a lot of help from that nice Mr Birkill, most of you reading this will probably already know that I have e-mailed most present and former MVs with an invitation to subscribe to my Newsletter, which will run independently of but in parallel to this Forum.   But since there have been quite a lot of bounces, it's possible the message may not have reached everyone.  So, basically, if you want to subscribe, please send a blank e-mail to:
with just the word "subscribe" in the Subject box.
This may now be the easiest way to catch up on news about gigs, recordings, broadcasts, etc., especially when things happen with little notice (like the St George's Tsunami concert, for instance).   Unless there's anything urgent, I'm expecting to put something out probably no more often than once a month.
A bien, as they say, tot
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Mike Walters
MV Fixture

Posts: 127
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #1: 28.01.05 at 16:23 »

Excellent news about the newsletter.  Though I was amused to see that Pete's had his name misspelled so often over the years that he's now started doing it himself...
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Gerry Smith
MV Fixture

Posts: 222
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #2: 30.01.05 at 02:22 »

How nice it was to find unread mail in my 'MV in' mailbox on Eudora.  Just like the old days!!
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Out playing the saxes
Paul Leighton
MV Friend

Mine's a Thatchers!

Posts: 32
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #3: 03.02.05 at 15:56 »

Hello again.
May I echo Gerry Smith's observations; I understood the thinking behind establishing the Forum, but it was a delight to find a message from Pete in my e-mail box. I had greatly missed the MV entries.( Mind you, that could be just because not many people write to me!! Sad old git that I am!)!  
Pete ...your newletter will be warmly welcomed.
Best wishes to all who know me ( as contestants regularly intone on the Ken Bruce show!)  Smiley
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Paul Leighton
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 872
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #4: 07.02.05 at 18:36 »

Right! The observant among you may already have tumbled to the fact I've moved this thread to a new section (or 'Board'), intriguingly titled "Newsletter". The intention is that those of you wishing to discuss matters raised by Pete in his new occasional, er, newsletter (emailed to all who've subscribed), will find here a... well, a forum in which to do it. This might save Pete being bombarded with off-line comments he would otherwise feel obliged to answer individually, something I know he just doesn't have the time to do. And, just to keep you all in your respective places, I've made Pete himself the moderator of this section.
I suggest that if you wish to comment you start a new thread in this section, with a title which gives the rest of us (including Pete) a more or less cryptic clue as to what you're talking about.
Over to you!
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Stephen J Birkill
MV Fresher

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 2
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #5: 16.02.05 at 23:33 »

Hello All,
Delighted to see the forum in full swing!  Well done "Burko" ( After 145 posts he really does need a monicker) - You Da Man !
My Dad sat me down and played Mr Atkins to me when young on the hallowed turn-table. Herein lies the problem. To which side should the blame fall ?  
Ive Hummed  the tunes for twenty years and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. Pete and Clive I owe you my mind. Enthralling to see so many fans registered here and obviously listening to and buying petes stuff. Keeps him in Baccy and tea.  
Always dissapointing to find more and more people listening to the music. Its like giving up a personal treasure or secret to Ricky Lake in the afternoon. It was mine and no one elses and now the whole goddam world knows whats going on. (revised thought) ...Burko! you loud mouth bastard! Now i find myself left with only a few gems...Dando Shaft, Jake Thackray and The Mountaineers. I can already see folk with one arm tightly pressed against their cordorouy and the other skyward pointing, reaching with one finger murmering "Sir!Sir!But!But!" and 'Yes', I know that most of you lot know these people but I'm a mere pipskweek at 26 and my contemporarys' minds are still at sea from The Smiths.
Anyhoo, all the best. Will post again. Got a bone to pick with Clive. Is my Dad on this? DADDY
just reread - i kant speel korectlee
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 240
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #6: 18.02.05 at 12:55 »

on 16.02.05 at 23:33, Mitya_K wrote:

just reread - i kant speel korectlee

Too Right ; It should be "Birko"   Wink
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Leonardo Rainbow
MV Friend

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 16
Re: Newsletter
« Reply #7: 04.03.05 at 10:47 »

errm yoo karnt spel neever kan eye dyslecksia rules KO
leo erm S'mee
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Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen all day
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