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Thread: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th (Read 4582 times) |
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« : 04.03.05 at 12:28 » |
Here's a nice correction to read in the latest newsletter of the Rose and Crown folk club in Walthamstow, London ; "Following the recent mailing, it was discovered that there is an error in the listing. Pete Coe was shown as May 15th and this should have read Pete Atkin. Pete Coe will be appearing later in the year - July 17th. (too many Pete's confused the brain cells!)" and sure enough further down the email their listings for May are now corrected as follows ; 1st May Martin Simpson * Virtuoso guitarist and singer, Martin is one of England’s most influential acoustic guitarists. 8th May Steve Ashley Traditional and contemporary guitar & vocals from a man who deserves to be more well known 15th May PETE ATKIN guitar, piano and self penned songs. One time musical collaborator with Clive James 22nd May The Orchard Family / Rosie Stewart* Traditional music & song from Devon + fine Ulster singer 29th May Michael Roach Authentic Bluesman & guitarist from Washington DC and luckily for us, now a UK resident Rather nice to see Mr Atkin in capitals there - rather nice to see him there anyway anytime - hope some of you can make it too all the best Seán ps 'One time musical collaborator with Clive James' ?? surely Pete collaborated with Clive more than one time? (sorry !) pps the rose and crown website is at
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Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #1: 06.03.05 at 18:23 » |
Ah, Seán - well, you see, if only you'd joined the other 400-odd and signed up to the Newsletter you'd have known about this already! Pip pip! Pete
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #2: 07.03.05 at 02:13 » |
Curses! I'll be passing through London that weekend, but have to be on a plane to Italy the morning of May 15. Try to catch you in October, Pete. Keith
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #3: 07.03.05 at 22:04 » |
Hey Pete - I thought I had joined up - or was that Pete Atin's newsletter I signed up to? what was that email address? later - - okay got it now - and have sent off a request - must admit I didn't think there would be anything in the newsletter not on the board.. oh well anyway looking forward to yr next trip to the Stow!
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Gerry Smith
MV Fixture

Posts: 222
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #4: 12.05.05 at 00:26 » |
Just a reminder, pop pickers, that Pete will be the star guest at the estimable Walthamstow Folk Club, THIS SUNDAY the 15th of May. Details at I'll be in London following a gig of my own earlier in the day, so hope to see a few of you there. Best to all Gerry Smith H&G Please / Faded Mansion / Fat Cat / Lady of a Day, pretty please???!
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Out playing the saxes
MV Fresher

 May the journey never end.
Posts: 1
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #5: 12.05.05 at 11:41 » |
Hi Pete, really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday - haven't managed to see you play live since you and Clive were at the Shaw Theatre in Euston, more years ago than I care to remember! (I had a lot more hair then, and much less mileage on the clock...). Requests, as per your email, would be Faded Mansion/Senior Citizens/I am the Sleep, if possible, thanks v. much. All the very best, Steve.
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Richard Whiting
MV Friend
 There Isn't Much A Target Needs To Know
Posts: 12
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #6: 13.05.05 at 23:56 » |
Have I missed something? Despite all the publicity for this gig, I'm not sure when it starts. Seán, as the threadholder and token 'stow resident, you *must* know when to get there by. Also, if his studying for the forthcoming GCSEs doesn't interfere with our plans, I intend to bring #2 son along. Since we've been asked for requests, his two favourites are 'Thief In The Night' and 'Star of Tomorrow'. Which brings me back to the reason that I originally mentioned it. Is there a lower age limit for the club? He'll pass for an 18 year old [believe me, you wouldn't argue with him on that one] but I'd be happier knowing that it won't be a wasted journey for him. Why don't I ask the organisers? Well, he'll pass for an 18 year old, so...
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Andy Love
MV Feature

Posts: 57
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #7: 14.05.05 at 00:37 » |
Hi Chorus Richard -- it starts at 7:30pm according the the pub's website. I've been e-searching for somewhere to trough nearby - but restaurants thereabouts seem to re-open at seven on a Sunday. Anyone any ideas? Or am I really doomed to fast food? A.
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Richard Bleksley
MV Fixture
 My time has come to find a better way
Posts: 164
Re: Gig Alert (UK) - May 15th
« Reply #8: 14.05.05 at 02:12 » |
Richard - I'm bringing along a son who is over 18, and when I gave the organisers my assurance to that effect (just in case, you know....) they said that it wasn't an issue as the club's in a private room. No worries for you, then. Andy - said son still actually likes going to Burger King or whatever, so if you're doomed to fast food you won't be alone....
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