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Thread: Better Red Than Dead (Read 2572 times) |
Pete Atkin
MV Deity
Posts: 509
Better Red Than Dead
« : 10.08.04 at 17:07 » |
Anyone else noticed that if you access the latest postings from the Most Recent list, the MV icon on the main index stays red? It seems to revert to the blue 'Read' status only if you access postings from the main menu itself. Only a small irritation, but since everything else seems to work so spiffingly, and since Steve and/or Alexis seem to have been able to crack everything else . . . Pip pip
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator
just a sensible reserve
Posts: 862
Re: Better Red Than Dead
« Reply #1: 10.08.04 at 17:45 » |
Ah, well, yes, er, you see, it's like this... Not so easy! The Most Recent list links directly to its message, but the board-level MV doesn't know about that. And it might be better that way: Open a board from the home page and you get a list of threads, with those containing new material marked NEW. If you then open a thread to read its messages, this NEW is reset (it disappears), after which you may wish to investigate another thread. Go back to the home page and the MV is also reset, to blue: it's done its job and alerted you to the one or more refreshed threads in that board. But were the MV to have been reset when you'd jumped in directly from a message link, you might never have realised there were other refreshed threads in that board that you hadn't visited. Now, if you keep in touch regularly (which of course you do) and use the 'visited' colour change of the Most Recent message links to keep tabs on where you've been, perhaps you'd be happier for the red MVs and red NEW lozenges to just go away. In that case simply use the Mark all posts as Read button, which will do this while leaving the text colour of your blue and greyed-out Most Recent links unchanged, so you'll still know exactly which ones you've read. What an ungainly and convoluted answer! Perhaps I should have drawn a diagram. Hope you could follow! Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
Pete Atkin
MV Deity
Posts: 509
Re: Better Red Than Dead
« Reply #2: 10.08.04 at 18:23 » |
Ah, yes, right. No, I do see, really. As I said, not really a problem anway, not as such. It's just that having visited via Recent Posts it's necessary to click on the main menu anyway simply in order to reset the flag. No, but that's fine, thanks, Steve. I'll go aweay now and try to think up a choon.
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