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   Sheffield post-show reception
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   Author  Thread: Sheffield post-show reception  (Read 4216 times)
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Sheffield post-show reception
« : 06.06.09 at 16:07 »

Just to advise that I've decided to go ahead with this. I visited the Kenwood Hall Hotel on Wednesday and agreed the details in principle. I'm now awaiting a redraft of their contract with the errors corrected!
I'm not looking for reservations at this time -- I'll do that once the contract is signed. There will be no charge for the reception but the number of places will inevitably be limited.
So please wait (but don't let this stop you from booking your seats for the show! -- we're half full already). This is just by way of advance warning to check the Forum during the week for an announcement about the reception.
Also coming soon, a page on Smash Flops promoting the Lantern Theatre event, much as we did last time. So watch out for that, too!
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Leslie Moss
MV Fixture

Marmite Soldier

Posts: 161
Re: Sheffield post-show reception
« Reply #1: 10.06.09 at 11:09 »

Two please Carole!
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: Sheffield post-show reception
« Reply #2: 10.06.09 at 18:01 »

Okeydokey, now I'm looking for reservations.
For anyone who has not attended such an event before, it's a lovely way to round off what will be a fantastic night, and an opportunity to have a chat with Pete too. Please don't be shy to come along - you'll be made most welcome. Then next time you go to a Pete gig you might know some of the other people there  Smiley  
This is first come, first served, and I don't want to juggle a list of provisional bookings, so please note that I'll not action your request for a Kenwood Hall reception place unless (until) I have your payment for the show. There is no additional charge for this splendid add-on!
You can let me know if you want to be included one of three, count them! ways:
1) post a reply to this thread (as Leslie has already done!)  
2) send me an IM
3) email me at carole(at)birkill(dot)com
I'll update later, or earlier if numbers look to be getting a bit tight.
And remember - you can still book for the show! Don't be late, make a date...  Smiley
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: Sheffield post-show reception
« Reply #3: 17.06.09 at 13:06 »

Sorry to have left it so late to update this thread, but places all went in a rush! The reception list is now closed as I have the maximum number (40) that the room can hold.  
I'm quite happy to start a waiting list if anyone wishes. It seems unlikely that places will become available, but you never know.  
If in the next week (and it really would need to be no longer than that) I got at least another 10 Lantern bookings by people who also wanted to attend the Kenwood Hall afterwards, I would be prepared to see if there was a larger room available. I've no idea yet if there would be. So if you've been hanging back but might like to attend both events, you need to act now. There are still plenty of tickets left for The Lantern, we are just over half full.
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MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: Sheffield post-show reception
« Reply #4: 16.09.09 at 17:33 »

This has all been finalised now. 50 people attending and we're in the Cafe Bar - on entering the hotel make your way past reception to the rear of the area.
As it will be late in the evening, and in order to keep the cost down,  I've catered (sandwiches) only for 20 people. I'm not sure how they will lay out the area but if you should find yourselves sitting at a table with sarnies on it, please don't assume they're all for you! Smiley  
Own drinks to be purchased from the bar, which closes at 11pm  Shocked  But  I believe it's the same as it was last time, in that residents can drink 'til way later than that and so although no money can pass over the bar after 11, residents can get drinks for others (which they'll need to be paid for of course)! There are quite a few MV residents, seek them out!
See ya all there!
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 886
Re: Sheffield post-show reception
« Reply #5: 16.09.09 at 20:59 »

Here's the Kenwood Hall Café Bar:

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Stephen J Birkill
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