Adam L Holden
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 4
New Clive James song - The Outgoing Administration
« : 27.11.19 at 10:15 » |
Here's my original setting of Clive's early poem, The Outgoing Administration. I wrote the music a few years back and Pete was kind enough to listen to it and encourage me. Anyway, it's now the final track on my EP of songs "Playtime for Everyone". The individual song is here if you want to have a listen. Any thoughts on the poem would be most welcome. I can't even find a date. In the liner notes for the EP I say: "The songs of Pete Atkin and Clive James blew my teenage mind and opened up whole new possibilities for topic, technique and tone (thanks Michael Fearn!). Many years later I re-read this poem, and being the exception that proves the rule, it seemed that the words might support more music than was already in them. What came out was remarkably like one of Pete’s, but I hope it is more testament than pastiche".