Ian Chippett
MV Fellow
 In the clear at over fifty-five
Posts: 332
Re: Clive and Chet
« Reply #2: 17.03.08 at 12:18 » |
<<Ah, but who's this? Certainly looks good! >> I can explain everything, officer. My musical buddy Aymeric (Master of the World's Second Greatest Website and keyboardist in my ex-band) spotted an alarming physical resemblance between me and the chap in the film (it even had me wondering for a bit when I first saw it) and set about making a clip no doubt with a view to blackmailing me. The disturbing noise in the background is also me (among others.) When the band was first formed it was pointed out to me with some force that they'd do my songs but I was not to sing or attempt to play any solos. After a bit of carbon-dating, It seems that this song must have been recorded at a rehearsal around November 2001 and I must have been teaching the song to our singer which is why he remains silent throughout. Or it could be just shock. I still think the song is pretty good: it includes a D9add6 chord which I don't think I've ever seen in a song of Pete's. Ian C