Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 1144
My Life in Lyrics by Clive James
« : 01.04.08 at 08:28 » |
From Clive James's My Life in Lyrics...... The Guardian Tuesday April 1, 2008 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ……writing song lyrics is my favourite form of writing anything. I've never managed to become famous for it. In fact, I'm almost entirely obscure for it, and I fear that being attached to me has done a lot to prevent my musical partner, Pete Atkin, from reaching the degree of celebrity he deserves. But, for me, writing lyrics is up there with writing poetry, the chief difference being that while writing poetry has always paid me little compared with writing prose, writing lyrics has paid me hardly anything at all. There are lyricists who become millionaires. I'm not one of them, but lately I've found myself writing lyrics again, after a long lay-off that was really due to a lack of attention rather than lack of income. You can do without armies of raving fans, but not without a certain level of interest. I'm glad to say that the certain level of interest is not only back, but has gone up a notch.............. ................ Midnight Voices: The Clive James-Pete Atkin Songbook Vol 1 is available from Amazon or direct from Pete Atkin will be performing at the Stables, Milton Keynes, on April 4. Details: 01908 280800. Audio: Perfect Moments by Pete Atkin, lyrics by Clive James >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Guardian, G2. Tuesday April 1, 2008 Kevin Cryan