Dave Lewis
MV Friend

Posts: 9
« : 02.08.04 at 22:34 » |
OK, Welcome to the Shrinks section, somewhere out on the back lot of this forum, where tumbleweed blows under the wheels of green double deckers, and the sound of high-lonesome can be heard over the roar of the Portway. Here are the rules: 1. No fighting. 2. No ad hominem attacks. 3. No mention of Phil Collins. 4. Er, thats it. Nothing is off-topic, unless I decide it is. Ahaha. We have an enormous amount of enthusiasm for every type of music there ever was, so if you want to start a thread on Peruvian nose-flute polkas or, well, you get the idea, go right ahead. We love 'em all - from Martin Carthy to Steely Dan, Pharoah Saunders to Rolf Harris, Spike Jones to Leonard Cohen......and everywhere in between. Oh, and The Shrinks website is http://www.theshrinks.com Enjoy! Dave.