I Feel A Little Better Today

Lyric by Clive James, music by Pete Atkin

I feel a little better today
You look a little better today
When she sat up and said it
At first I didn't get it
Then everything sort of went grey
In a frightening way
You're looking better today
I'm feeling better today

The blood must have rushed to my head
You certainly looked pretty red
I picked up her picture
Screamed "I'm gonna hitcha"
And suddenly fell out of bed
And smashed your elbow instead
Isn't that what I said?

I was feeling hard done by I guess
Just who were you trying to impress?
I suppose I ripped the place up
Because I couldn't face up
To being loved a little bit less
You made a terrible mess
I suppose you're right, yes.

I don't know how it happened at all
You certainly were having a ball
I guess I'll have to put back
The hats on the hat-rack
And the hat-rack back on the wall
The ceiling back in the hall
The ceiling back in the hall.

You never know how things'll turn out
You never know how things'll turn out
You can live without friction
Just like in the fiction
Those women writers churn out
Or you can simply burn out
You can simply burn out

     You can make them agree
     To never tell a lie
     But you'll be on the
     Wrong track
     They don't need lies
     To stab you in the back
     When something true can get you
     Right between the eyes

But I feel a little better right now
You look a little better right now
When it's all said and done with
You get something to go on with
By ending things up with a row
And the row was a wow
And how, what a row.

So I feel a little better today
You look a little better today
I might have been defeated
But at least I wasn't cheated
And as the world goes today .....
It ain't the worst you can say
It ain't the worst you can say
Feeling better today?

I'm - feeling better — todayyyyyy!
Pete Atkin Discography