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Thread: "N most recent posts" feature. (Read 2740 times) |
MV Feature

Allow me to present myself....
Posts: 93
"N most recent posts" feature.
« : 20.08.04 at 21:16 » |
Hi there! I find the 10 (and 500) most recent posts feature very useful. But.... I've noticed that the "boldness" of the text link to each post doesn't "grey out" unless you've clicked that link particularly. If I click on a message I'm going direct to that message and can read posts pre-post and post-post of the post in question. Could it be that all those links (from the same thread) "grey out" when you click one of them? [ THINKS: This MAY defeat the object of the "N most recent posts" feature in that it's meant to be a list of the N most recent posts (rather than a list of the N most recent threads) ]. What's that? Who said "He needs a holiday, that one"? You're quite right! I'm off to Great Snoring in Norfolk for a week. Have set my "Away Message Feature" already! See you all soon....
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....Julian Mount Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Entertainer.
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: "N most recent posts" feature.
« Reply #1: 20.08.04 at 23:02 » |
No. The 'greying out' of the individual message links is a function of your browser: it records a history of links visited; if the link is in there the browser uses (unless overridden) the 'visited' colour defined in the page's code next time it displays that link. In 'vanilla' HTML a blue link will change to purple; in MV it changes to pale greyish blue. Your browser can have no knowledge of whether you've displayed that same post via a different route. We could only enable what you suggest if all those 'most recent' subject headers linked only to their threads, but we'd then lose the immediacy of the message link and have to scan the selected thread for unread posts. However the equivalent functionality is available if you ignore the 'most recent' list and instead navigate via the red 'MV's in the board index and the red 'new' lozenges in the thread index. It's your choice. Steve
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Stephen J Birkill