Title: Live music threatened Post by David V Barrett on Today at 16:04 Probably most if not all of us on this forum have seen Pete playing in a pub at some point. I heard about the following via the Strawbs email list, and have been passing it on to all the music lists I'm on. It affects all of us (if we live in Britain). Anyone in Britain who enjoys live music, please take a look at this petition on the No 10 Downing Street website: http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/NoNoiseControl/ Quote:
This will certainly affect small music clubs in the back rooms and upstairs rooms of pubs, which probably most of us have enjoyed attending and some of us have enjoyed playing in over the years. The petition ends on Friday 23rd January, so if you agree with it, sign up now! (UK citizens only.) David Barrett (Midnight) |
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