Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 1144
Val Doonican R.I.P.
« : 03.07.15 at 10:01 » |
Val Doonican (Feb. 1927 - Jul. 2015) Recorded Covers Of Atkin-James Songs - Pete Atkin Quote: The Flowers And The Wine (Atkin-James) Val Doonican. Quiet Moments Format : Vinyl LP. Release : RCA, 1980 [RCA LP 5018] Track length : 2m 00s Notes : Also released on cassette -- RCA K5018. Date on disc is 1980; date on sleeve is 1981. Mr. Doonican’s ...artistic licence, lyrically speaking, has been mentioned elsewhere in MV. Andy Love Nov. 2005 |
| Obituary The Guardian. Thursday 2 July 2015 16.16 BST Kevin Cryan