Midnight Voices (https://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi)
Pete Atkin >> *oDs >> Thanks for a great oD!
(Message started by: SimonReap on Today at 01:20)

Title: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by SimonReap on Today at 01:20
Many thanks to Richard for organising the PoD, to Andy for being an all-round guru, to Pete for some wonderful songs and to all of the other performers who made it such a great day.

Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Leslie Moss on Today at 09:02
You did pretty mean job yourself Simon, on sound. It was the best-balanced sound of any of the *oDs I can recall.


Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Leslie Moss on Today at 09:04
I shall shortly be posting the set-list for the second half. Does anyone have the first-half set list?

Huge thanks to Richard and Andy for their enormous contribution.

Please use this thread for any reviews, comments or the like regarding yesterday's great event.


Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Leslie Moss on Today at 14:56
Sorry if I inadvertently blocked this thread - it should be open again.


Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by JtJ on Today at 17:18
Hi there!

There are some PoD04 photos of Pete and one enthusiastic photographer (you know who you are, Kelly!) here:


It was great....I had a ball!

Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Leslie Moss on Today at 17:25
Thanks for the pictures Julian (incidentally I thought you did a stunning MC - or should that be MotR - job yesterday).

Can I suggest that you (and anyone else who has pictures) send them to Steve Birkill so that they can be permanently archived on the website.


Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Theo Clarke on Today at 17:55
From bitter experience I have learnt that listing all the people that I wish to thank by name leads to inappropriate omissions so I would just like to thank everyone who feels that they played some part in affording me such a great day. Essentially, if you were there you can take some praise.


Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Carole on Today at 19:33
Can we add our thanks to Richard, Andy and everyone else who worked hard to make it the success that it was. And also, of course, especially to Pete for not only giving his time but giving us a great set-list, including some requests  ;)

Carole, Steve and Alexis

Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Jon Philpot on Today at 19:34
I'd like to add my twopennyworth in thanking Richard and all those who made PoD such a success. Chrissy & I really enjoyed ourselves - thanks too to Pete for playing all four of our requests!

Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
Post by Seán Kelly on Today at 20:37
Well I too had a great time at PoD 04 - the afternoon and evening seemed to go by in a flash - any chance of a re-run next saturday?...  I'll ring the Woodstock...
No - okay I know that really it takes months to get one of these things together - but what a great result - and so many thanks to so  many people.
A few favourite moments ;
[list bull-redball]

  • Our own Master of the Revels JTJ mischievously quoting Pete out of context in the remark about "Rick Wakeman didn't like to take his kit down" (if you weren't there Pete was explaining that Yes booked months in the studio on a 24hr basis to avoid the trouble of Rick W dismantling his keyboard set-up! - whilst we all tried to calculate something aloing the lines of how many albums Pete could have recorded in the meantime!).  In fact JTJ - what a host - you made the whole thing swing along Julian!
    [list bull-redball]

  • Naomi singing Hill of Little Shoes - partly just because I began to see what changes in approach this song could take and still stand up - fantastic - and yes the hair did stand up (back of the neck Julian)
    [list bull-redball]

  • Pete singing a number of songs we didn't know (wait for the set-list - I can't do this from memory) and now I want to hear them again - next *oD perhaps
    [list bull-redball]

  • Midnight - bringing a definitely sexy swagger to the Original Original Honky Tonk Train - now that is an achievement!
    [list bull-redball]

  • A tough tough quiz - I mean you had to name 12 songs that the word King or Kings appeared in whilst simultaneously answering 7 other questions - no extra time - Cary who was collecting answer sheets pulled the paper from under my pen (Hi Cary!).  Actually I'm only whinging because... (fill in yr own answer here).  (but well done on the cars Alan!)
    [list bull-redball]

  • Alan Manton and I sitting on the table nearest the food - which seemed to mean that we ate first and were able to talk to significant numbers of MV's as they snaked past
    [list bull-redball]

  • Me going to sit on the floor to take a picture of Pete at the piano - just as he got up to play the guitar (timing!) and then he stays there for me - Thanks Pete - in fact thanks Pete for the whole performance - I enjoyed it so much.  At one point Pete muttered something abou owing us all a lot - and I said back that it's mutual - and boy is that true!
    [list bull-redball]

  • Richard Bleksley and Pete's tribute to Andy Love song - very funny - and then Mr Love himself on bicycle bell - and though I pointed the camera at him for nearly all the song I still didn't know the lyrics well enough to get a shot of himi ringing it (had to make up afterwards with a very staged one - thanks Andy!  and while I'm here a million thanks to both Richard and Andy and all cohorts for organising this crazy thing - marvellous... and just who bought those odd socks? (if you weren't there you should know that pairs of odd socks were given out, amongst other things, as runners-up prizes for the quiz!)
    [list bull-redball]

  • Pete (again) announcing that yes the songwriting partnership is still on and he expects that, in time, there will be more fruits, and hopefully another album, and in a while another tour, and first there will very likely be a live recording from Australia in the next few months.
    [list bull-redball]

  • and Pete again for all the songs he sang and all he has written.  Call me biased but I rather liked seeing Naomi Hyamson's programme note which listed Atkin as the Composer of the three PA/CJ songs she wrote, whilst James came in brackets afterwards - meaning 'wrote the words' or librettist or some-such - mind you she was a bit liberal in giving both their birth-dates but I guess composers have to put up with that!

    Okay - I'll shut up - but as you can guess it was a great night out - thanks again all.  Nice picture of me on the floor Julian - ta!  I've sent a few to SJB who will be putting a PoD page together. Bye for now

  • Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Colin Crooks on Today at 20:56
    Kate and I would just like to record our thanks to all who contributed to a wonderful day; the "creative process at work" only adding to the pleasure.

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Ian Chippett on Today at 21:13
    24 hours later and still no set list! What's going on over there?

    Ian C

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Alan Manton on Today at 21:50
    Just got back in front of my computer after a 24 hour journey home (pre-planned) and I see that Seán has already made all the clever points that I was going to make.  Perhaps I should just echo every one else and say that it really was a very memorable day.  My thanks to everyone who did their bit to make it all possible.

    That Bob The Builder's a pretty good singer isn't he?  (for all those who weren't there it's all to do with Pete's current 'day job').

    Now at last, The Rolling Stones, The Who and The Small Faces can all say that they have played the same venue as the legendary Pete Atkin.

    Thanks for making my 43rd so memorable...


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Lurcio on Today at 22:59
    Have you ever tried driving through Kingston, at midnight, in the rain, when you don't know where you are, can't remember the road number you want, and your navigator is a 13-year old beating hell out of the dashboard in time to Wristwatch for a Drummer at full volume on the stereo?
    Thank you, everyone.

    Title: More Thanks...
    Post by Secret Drinker on Today at 14:10
    I'd like to add our thanks to Richard for the tremendous amount of work he must have put in, culminating in another very special occasion yesterday.

    *oDs are always memorable and enjoyable events, and this one was no exception. We had a cracking time as usual, and it was great to meet up with old friends again - and hopefully some new ones. Finding that "Mid-Fi Tomas and Dr. Movie" was me was the (somewhat surprising!) icing on the cake! ;-)

    Many thanks also to Andy, Julian, Cary, Mel, Mike, Simon, Leslie and anyone else who helped make it go so well (hope I haven't forgotten anyone), and of course Pete and the other artists who contributed to this further chapter in MV history.

    Best Wishes to all

    Paul & Frankie

    Title: Re: More Thanks...
    Post by JohnDrummond on Today at 14:26
    Thanks, too from me, to all those who organised the POD04.

    I tried to post a reply om the other Thanks thread but it seems to be locked for some reason.

    It was a very convivial evening. Even though I came only for the evening I felt  part of it and enjoyed chatting to Ray and his son.  (Go on Ray, you can post a reply now and stop lurking.

    Title: Re: More Thanks...
    Post by Secret Drinker on Today at 19:13

    on 11/07/04 at 14:26:22, JohnDrummond wrote :
    I tried to post a reply om the other Thanks thread but it seems to be locked for some reason.

    Sorry, I meant to mention that was why I was forced to start a new "Thanks" thread. If the moderators want to include this thread in the original one now it's been unlocked, then as far as I'm concerned , please go ahead.


    Still coming down to earth in Herts...

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Secret Drinker on 08.11.04 at 08:08

    on 11/07/04 at 09:04:31, Leslie Moss wrote :
    I shall shortly be posting the set-list for the second half. Does anyone have the first-half set list?

    I don't have the first half set list as I didn't take any notes, but if my memory serves me correctly the first set started with Have You Got  A Biro I Can Borrow? (following Pete's "jeu d'ésprit" intro) and the next one was the rarely (if ever?) heard "I Wouldn't Hear A Word Against The Spring". After that my memory becomes a bit vague, but publication of the second half set list would make it easier. Come on Leslie, let's see the list!



    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by El Greko on 08.11.04 at 11:14
    I'd like to add my own thanks to Richard for taking on the challenge (and delivering so well), to Julian for his excellent management of the proceedings, to Simon for his great sound management and to everyone else involved for making the whole event so enjoyable.

    In addition to the musical delights of the day it was great to meet again some old acquaintances of years past (as in 30 plus), and to make some new ones.

    OK, when's the next one?


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Mike_Walters on 08.11.04 at 13:22
    Just to add my thanks and congratulations to Richard (and Andy and everyone involved) for a superb PoD.  Thoroughly enjoyable day.  It was made all the more enjoyable by Pete's decision to treat us to such a special set .  Highlights for me were the versions of 'Driving Through Mythical America' and 'Secret Drinker' (neither of which I can recall seeing Pete perform before) and the inclusion of the three superbly performed covers.    The latter demonstrated not only Pete's superb interpretive skills but also his consummate good taste - who else would cover songs by Jesse Winchester, Bruce Cockburn and The Crickets?

    Thanks again


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Keith Busby on 08.11.04 at 22:35
    Just this moment back in Bushland, Part Deux, and still in denial about last Tuesday. Thanks to everyone for a great Saturday, especially Richard. It was great to see old friends (Bernard, Amy, and George [!]) and meet new ones, in particular some of the legendary MVs. See y'all the next time.


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Jan on 10.11.04 at 09:51
    I knew I should never have trusted you lot to go to a gig without me and come back with a setlist!
    Sounds as though I missed a good day.  :'(

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Carole on 10.11.04 at 10:21
    Well, Paul made a pretty good stab at including everything -- except he certainly forgot You Better Face It, Boy. Ah, you mean you'd like them in order  ;)


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Jan on 10.11.04 at 10:50
    What I would like is to see Richard Bleksley's lyrics for the parody of Sessionman's Blues, either on the forum of off list.

    I am always amazed to witness Andy Love's meticulous administration, his attention to detail is so impressive.

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Secret Drinker on 10.11.04 at 11:01

    on 11/10/04 at 10:21:20, Carole wrote :
    Well, Paul made a pretty good stab at including everything -- except he certainly forgot You Better Face It, Boy. Ah, you mean you'd like them in order  ;)

    Oops!  Sorry Carole, and Pete!  :-[

    I wasn't really attempting to include every song in the review, as I never thought I'd be able to remember them all. So if that's the only one I missed perhaps my memory's not as bad as I thought  :D

    (Now I expect someone will remind me of summat else I missed...   :P )



    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by S J Birkill on 10.11.04 at 11:23

    on 11/10/04 at 10:50:46, Jan wrote :
    What I would like is to see Richard Bleksley's lyrics for the parody of Sessionman's Blues, either on the forum of off list.

    If Richard would care to send me a copy I'll publish it on the Website.


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by avner on 10.11.04 at 15:58
    Thanks so much to Richard and his team for pulling off such a splendid and memorable PoD. And of course to Pete and the other performers for making this a very special musical experience. It was great to meet up again with you FoD veterans and to get to know a few more MVs. Hope to see you again in similar circumstances before too long.


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Noam Greenberg on 11.11.04 at 01:29
    Like exposure to a new song, it takes me some time to appreciate how memorable PoD is to me; at the time, being swallowed by the event, I was merely enjoying it, but now there develops a feeling of longing, wishing to be back there, where the world and I were alive and happy.

    Thanks, Richard, Andy et. al. for organising and running the show. Thanks, Leslie, for the ride. Thanks, Pete, for playing my requests; but also thanks for playing yet another unexpected and thought-provoking set list. It is a treat to be thus challanged. Thanks also to Naomi for her performance. Other participants wrote about their moments of tears; mine was during "send in the clowns".

    It was lovely to meet old and new acquaintences.  I hope to see you all again.


    P.S. The poster of SoD which hangs proudly on my wall is one of my prized possessions. Alas, I somehow lost my PoD one. Any way of getting another copy?

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Leslie Moss on 12.11.04 at 07:26
    Noam said P.S. The poster of SoD which hangs proudly on my wall is one of my prized possessions. Alas, I somehow lost my PoD one. Any way of getting another copy?

    Noam, I find myself with two posters. I think I saw Andy Love with hundreds, probably in rather better condition than mine, but if he can't supply one I'd be glad to send you my second one.


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Andy Love on 12.11.04 at 10:25
    Hi Leslie (and Chorus)

    One is already on its way 'cross the pond to Noam.

    Not exactly hundreds, by the way! - with Richard's blessing we had 40 A3s printed as 'souvenirs' for performers and for those who had given their time and expertise in order to make the event the success that it (generally) was.   I say 'generally' because I understand that the nosh wasn't exactly top notch -- soon as I saw the word 'buffet' in conjuction with 'pub' I elected to feed outside the venue!

    XoDs probably wouldn't happen unless a variety of MVs were generous with their personal resources. Pete in particular, of course.  For example, so far as PoD was concerned, the fact that Midnight kindly offered the use of their sound gear (in fact they bought a new PA especially for the occasion) saved every one of us PoDdlers at least a fiver each on our ticket price.  And Simon's know-how with cable-spaghetti and knob-twiddling (well, you know what I mean!) yet again had a roughly similar economic effect.

    I'm glad Mervyn has come forward to take his bow : he and Rebekah really did us proud, wouldn't you agree?, with the poster.  Richard Brock also put up with dozens of to-ing and fro-ing of e-mails containing suggestions, drafts and amendments with respect to the programme and produced for us a classy document which everyone found useful in navigating their way through the day.  Both Mervyn and Richard knew from the start that they wouldn't be able to attend. I find such generosity just jaw-dropping.

    PoDmeister Richard is still in orbit, not surprisingly, but if the indications at this stage are right, then PoD looks to have come in very very close to budget, even given that around a couple of dozen 'reserved' places didn't turn into eventual ticket sales.  This would be the first time that a XoD's books have balanced naturally and is a tribute to Richard's (unseen by most) organisational skills and determination.

    Congrats, too, Richard on finding the venue: barring that one gastronomic blemish, it was perfect for us - and more so after Steve and Simon had worked out how to switch on the stage lights!

    Cheers All


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Leslie Moss on 12.11.04 at 13:01

    on 11/12/04 at 10:25:11, Andy Love wrote :
    PoDmeister Richard is still in orbit, not surprisingly, but if the indications at this stage are right, then PoD looks to have come in very very close to budget, even given that around a couple of dozen 'reserved' places didn't turn into eventual ticket sales.  This would be the first time that a XoD's books have balanced naturally and is a tribute to Richard's (unseen by most) organisational skills and determination.

    Which reminds me Andy - I'm still sitting on some cheques and cash which will be duly banked tomorrow morning being my first post-PoD opportunity to get to the local Halifax. If you haven't taken these into account then maybe we're in even better financial shape than you thought.


    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD!
    Post by Richard Bleksley on 14.11.04 at 01:41
    Thanks, Andy, for the kind comments about my "organisational skills" etc.

    As for the hiccup over the buffet, I think I should explain, especially to those who suffered from the shortages - and I am sure that it was only due to restraint and a wish not to disrupt the happy atmosphere of the day that I only received one complaint - that I had my hands tied.  Having booked the room, which really was pretty well ideal for our purposes, it was a choice of the pub's buffet or no food at all, for the management would not allow any food or drink not suppled by themselves into the room.  They even complained about the bottled water we bought for the performers to wet their whistles!

    Having thus committed me to trusting their catering, they then proceeded to let me down.

    Title: Re: Thanks for a great oD! [PoD Blues]
    Post by S J Birkill on 14.11.04 at 10:17
    Here (http://www.peteatkin.com/e2p.htm) now is Richard Bleksley's topical alternative lyric to Sessionman's Blues, dedicated to Andy Love, as sung by Pete at PoD04.

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