Midnight Voices (https://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi)
Pete Atkin >> News >> Website updated
(Message started by: S J Birkill on Today at 10:25)

Title: Website updated
Post by S J Birkill on Today at 10:25
Don't fall off your chairs -- I've just updated the Smash Flops (http://www.peteatkin.com/pa.htm) front page. At last we've moved on from the ThoD '09 gig and Pete's shoulder problem which stopped him doing live shows, and into a new year. There's only one definite gig announced so far, but I'll be updating now on a regular basis, so watch out for more.

I've mended several broken links and purged others, so pretty well everything clickable should once again lead somewhere interesting.

A couple of new features are an e-mail address to formalise the process of contacting Pete with invitations to perform, and a form to add your name to his own announcement mailing list, the Pete Atkin Newsletter (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=newsletter;action=display;num=1296295662). Existing Newsletter subscribers please read that message before (or instead of) resubscribing!

Comments/suggestions welcome...


Title: Re: Website updated
Post by andyw on Today at 16:48

As always, and to state the blindingly obvious, as is my wont, many thanks for the huge amount that you (and the rest of the family) do on our behalf.

I am sure that others will confirm that it is much appreciated by us all.

Title: Re: Website updated
Post by BogusTrumper on 02.02.11 at 15:50

on 01/29/11 at 16:48:39, andyw wrote :
I am sure that others will confirm that it is much appreciated by us all.

Please consider that confirmed.  Squared.  Doubled and redoubled.  etc.

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