S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Facebook: PA/CJ Group changes
« : 04.10.20 at 19:38 » |
Following a few suggestions from other Forum members, Midnight Voices member Rob Spence volunteered in January 2009 to create a Facebook 'fan' (well, news and discussion) group to serve our shared interest and perhaps help extend its appeal to a younger, more mobile audience whose Internet usage might not include revisiting websites of interest (such as this one) without prompting. (I suspect that, for many who access FB through an 'App', the concept of 'keeping a tab open and refreshing it daily' may be as alien as cassette tapes or black-and-white television). Rob helmed FB's Pete Atkin and Clive James Appreciation Society for eleven and three-quarter years, gently but firmly guiding old discussions, stimulating new ones, correcting misconceptions and keeping the group's members up to date on news and background pertaining to the Atkin/James song canon and its protagonists. His influence must have steered many to an Atkin gig, a Clive James book or a CD purchase; even the occasional one to MV! The FB group welcomed a total of some 360 members during his tenure. Now this week Rob has decided, for his own reasons, to resign his Facebook membership and so reluctantly to pass on control of the Group. He has appointed David Nathaniel as the new administrator. I don't know David -- he's not (at least not under that name) a member of MV, new or old, nor can I now find an FB Group post by him. So we'll just have to trust him to curate the Group as wisely as did his predecessor. One unfortunate consequence of Rob's resignation has been the deletion by Facebook of all his input: FB would almost have us believe he never existed! They've all flown on -- not only threads he initiated, with all their images, comments and replies from other members, but also all replies consequent to his comments on others' posts. What remains is a motley assemblage of disconnected remarks and non sequiturs that can only confuse any newcomer to the Group. We thank Rob for all his efforts and wish him well with his new ventures, wherever they may lead; and indeed David with his. If you're a Facebook-group-but-non-MV member who's been looking around to find out what's happened over there, and landed here, please be assured that Midnight Voices, Smash Flops and the Pete Atkin Newsletter will continue to operate without change, interruption or deletion, and you're most welcome to join us! Steve Birkill Administrator, Midnight Voices Webmaster, Smash Flops Editor, The Clive James Website Archive