S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Hillside Music: Worldpay
« : 10.12.18 at 18:57 » |
I learned yesterday from Pete that three people had had to order CDs from Hillside Music by cheque (remember those? -- the cheques, I mean) after failing to get a response from the Worldpay credit-card ordering system -- clicking through from the Shop to enter their card details had returned them only a "couldn't connect" message. It turns out that that Worldpay recently changed the Internet address for their on-line form submission (from the one we've been using for the past 17 years) and we'd somehow failed to notice, until yesterday. But it's all fixed now, and once again the virtual tills are ringing with orders at Hillside's vast semi-automated virtual warehouse somewhere down the M4. So don't delay -- there may yet be time to send your friends a set of Atkin CDs with which to celebrate the mid-winter festival. Just go to https://www.peteatkin.com/hillshop.htm and make your selection from the titles currently in stock: The Colours of the Night Midnight Voices Live in Australia Winter Spring The Lakeside Sessions, Volume 1 The Lakeside Sessions, Volume 2 plus four items from The Shrinks, all featuring our hero's skill on the 88's. All titles are selling for £5 apiece (plus appropriate P&P) except for TCOTN which is £10. Steve