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Thread: Alerts Only! -- things happening now (Read 88767 times) |
S J Birkill
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Alerts Only! -- things happening now
« : 03.08.04 at 18:12 » |
Here's a new thread for those "hey, I'm listening to this radio programme and I hear Clive's going to be on in ten minutes" messages. No, you haven't missed anything yet, but the thread's got to start somewhere! Please post here only genuinely urgent messages of interest to all, as a great many members may sign up for e-mail notification on this thread, and they will not welcome postings of a trivial or spammy nature. Any follow-on comments or discussions should go elsewhere -- Steve
« Last Edit: 02.04.08 at 09:28 by S J Birkill » | |
Stephen J Birkill
MV Fixture
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Posts: 153
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #1: 12.03.05 at 20:37 » |
I see in the Radio Times that Clive's appearance on Radio 3's Private Passions is to be repeated this Sunday (March 13) at noon. (The BBC is currently repeating the best of the series, which has now been running for ten years.) I recall Clive's words about song and singing being particularly insightful - and indeed the Radio Times blurb says: "Clive James shares his fascination with the human voice with Michael Berkeley". I'll definitely be listening again. I do apologise if, in alerting MVs to this news, I have posted it in the wrong place on the site: I'm a beginner at this lark - and at all matters high-tech! Naomi
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #2: 14.03.05 at 13:01 » |
Thanks Naomi, It was an interesting hour including "a wide range of vocal interpretations, from opera stars Enrico Caruso, Maria Callas and Jussi Bjorling to Frank Sinatra, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf." We didn't have the Mad Scene from Lucia but the sextet and it wasn't Charlie Parker's version of My old flame but Mae West's! I think the programme may be available via the Radio 3 web site: but I can't check it, I've just started a new job and listening to the web isn't an option Jan
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MV Fixture
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 153
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #3: 26.09.05 at 12:22 » |
Amid the excitement this week over the start of Pete's and Clive's tour (and the excitement over the Bob Dylan film that starts on BBC2 tonight, I might add) don't forget that on BBC Radio 4 this afternoon (Monday Sep 26) a new series of Pete's "This Sceptred Isle" begins (3.45pm-4pm). (For those gainfully employed on Monday afternoons: I guess that the series may well be available on the BBC's "Listen Again" service.) The "Radio Times" says that today's programme is "1/90" - so that's Monday afternoons taken care of for a good few weeks ! Apologies if this news has already been given elsewhere on the forum. Best, Naomi H
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MV Fixture
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 153
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #4: 28.09.05 at 11:56 » |
Correction: now that Pete's Radio 4 series is back, that's weekday afternoons - not just Monday afternoons - taken care of ... !
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MV Fixture
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 153
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #5: 17.10.05 at 10:43 » |
Not happening now (Monday Oct 17) but soon: I heard this morning that Clive is to be among the guests in next week's Start the Week (Mon Oct 24, 9am, BBC Radio 4). Naomi
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MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 92
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #6: 17.10.05 at 22:54 » |
Couple more things Clive is on:- Richard and Judy - Channel 4 Date: Monday 24th October 2005 Time: 17:00 to 18:00 (starting in 6 days) Duration: 1 hour. The daily live entertainment show hosted by Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan. It's live - so anything can happen - but expect more celebrity guests, competitions, exclusive previews and features and plenty of surprises. Clive James chats about his book The Meaning of Recognition. This is repeated on More4 on the following day at 12 noon and Night Waves - BBC Radio Three 913 Date: Wednesday 19th October 2005 Time: 21:30 to 22:15 (starting in 1 day) Duration: 45 minutes. Clive James talks to Matthew Sweet about politics and the art of essay writing, his tempestuous affair with Formula One, the importance of literary style and why he lives in constant fear of wasting his life
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…………. _/\ /\_ …………. ….Cary….a a…. Like Mary @ ..With a..“C”..for cat
MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 92
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #7: 08.11.05 at 22:25 » |
Today with Des and Mel Channel: ITV1 Yorkshire 3 Date: Friday 11th November 2005 Time: 13:30 to 14:30 Sharleen Spiteri, lead singer of Texas, and Clive James are among the guests joining Des O'Connor and Melanie Sykes on the lively entertainment show today.
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…………. _/\ /\_ …………. ….Cary….a a…. Like Mary @ ..With a..“C”..for cat
Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #8: 20.11.05 at 21:09 » |
Well, not exactly now, but I did get a mention in a BBC Radio 4 programme yesterday called Twentieth Century Troubadour about Jacques Brel. I assume because no one else has mentioned that no one else heard it. You can catch it (if you want to) for a few days via the Listen Again facility on the BBC Radio 4 website.
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #9: 22.11.05 at 16:41 » |
Brel is respectable company to keep, although your stage manner is somewhat more subdued than ol' Jacques' was, Pete. Can't see you agonising over "Mathilde est revenu," for example. Have you ever _seen_ Brel perform?! Keith
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Seán Kelly
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Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #10: 22.11.05 at 17:09 » |
Go on ask him again Keith - he's bound to weaken soon
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MV Fresher

 who is this Guy and why does he want me?
Posts: 8
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #11: 22.11.05 at 19:40 » |
does Pete listen to Jacques Brel? what's his favourite song?
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Kevin Cryan
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Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #12: 22.11.05 at 21:23 » |
Saturday the 26 of November (9.00pm) sees BBC Radio 4 broadcast - in its Classic Serial slot - the first of a four-part adaptation Fredric Raphael's campus novel The Glittering Prizes, adapted by the author himself and produced and directed by Pete Atkin. I'll not say that Rapheal's novel is bad - it's not - but I will say that it is flawed, and in a way that Clive identified when he reviewed the BBC 2 TV production for the Observer on the 26th of January 1976 : Quote:From the ample pre-publicity there were good reasons to think Fredric Rapheal had based the central character on himself. Whatever the truth of that, Adam Morris (for so the pivotal figure in the play was named, ‘Fredrick Rapheal’ having presumably been judged too direct) was certainly a good subject for Bildungsroman – or would have been had he not arrived in Cambridge with his Bildung already completed. Normally there is no juicier topic than a bright young man coming up to university and getting his education. But Adam Morris seemed to have got his in sixth form, leaving him nothing to do his Cambridge days except (a) make the odd pardonable mistake, and (b) lose his virginity… Apart from these events, which were doubtless formative in their different ways, Adam was already uncannily intact – sardonic, wise, mature. He was crass about attacking other people's religious faith, but you could see his reasons. Otherwise he had the aphoristic subtlety of Montaigne. There seemed to be little reason for his being a student at all. He should have been doing the teaching’ |
| (Visions Before Midnight Pan Books 1981) I'm rather looking forward to hearing this production, if only to hear whether, with the passing of time and in the light of what Clive wrote, Mr Rapheal has made any changes in his portrayal of the central character. That, and the fact that it has a cast that pretty glittering in itself. Kevin Cryan Bildungsroman= a novel about development, Bildung being the German word for development.
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #13: 23.11.05 at 00:12 » |
on 22.11.05 at 21:23, Kevin Cryan wrote: Saturday the 26 of November (9.00pm) sees BBC Radio 4 broadcast - in its Classic Serial slot - the first of a four-part adaptation Fredric Raphael's campus novel The Glittering Prizes, adapted by the author himself and produced and directed by Pete Atkin. |
| This episode of the Glittering Prizes was first broadcast last Sunday afternoon and is available on the BBC website, presumably until next Sunday 27th Nov: The first episode of the final series of Our Brave Boys was also broadcast this week (Monday am): Jan
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Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #14: 23.11.05 at 09:25 » |
If I may be permitted to say so, that was not one of Clive's more perceptive reviews, and it's one which I believe he revised privately later; but he's never been someone to pretend he didn't say what he did or to revise with hindsight (hence his admirable habit more recently of adding postscripts to many of his essays when they are reprinted). His view of Adam was probably affected by his understandable lack of knowledge of what it was like to be bright, Jewish, and 19 in England in 1950. (Ironically, an accurate protrayal of Clive as a student would sound quite a lot like his own summation of Adam Morris in this review.) In any case, Freddie Raphael has not sought to change in any substantial way what he wrote originally, nor to update it in any way. It still follows its characters from the early 1950s to the mid-1970s, the main difference being that when it was originally broadcast on TV the mid-1970s were the present day. And in any case again, the focus in subsequent episodes is less closely on Adam and more on the range of other characters, some met only briefly in episode one. (Adam doesn't even appear in episode three, for instance.) I would say so, wouldn't I, but there are many writing and acting treats in store for all who stick with it, including what I truly believe is one of the great love scenes of all time (no sex -- sorry) in the final episode,
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #15: 16.12.05 at 23:28 » |
If anyone has a copy of The Glittering Prizes and wants to make a little cash the current rate on Ebay is £20 to £30 quid for the Penguin paperback. (3 sold in the last fortnight). (It was the Steely Dan bit that made me smile ) Jan
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MV Fixture
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 153
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #16: 26.03.06 at 13:47 » |
Definitely off-topic - indeed, maybe this one should be listed under the "Obsolete Mr Verlaine" strand; but here goes: Midvodians may be interested in this afternoon's BBC Radio 4 programme "Like a Rolling Stone" - according to the Radio Times, it's about the impact of the poetry of Arthur Rimbaud (no, not the chap in the Sylvester Stallone films) on literature and rock music. I hope the programme will, however, be mentioning Benjamin Britten's sublime setting for tenor or soprano of "Les Illuminations". It's on at 4.30pm (British Summer Time!) this Sunday March 26, repeated next Saturday at 11.30pm. Au revoir, chaps Naomi
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Theo Clarke
MV Feature

Posts: 48
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #17: 26.03.06 at 15:10 » |
| is the listing link for the Like A Rolling Stone programme. THe show will be repeated at 23:30 on Saturday 1 April.
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Ian Chippett
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Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #18: 26.03.06 at 15:30 » |
<<Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Jimi Hendrix, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, John Lennon, David Bowie and The Rolling Stones all cited the poetry and life of Arthur Rimbaud as a key touchstone for their thinking and their work.>> Oh yeah? And just how many of the above can actually speak French (apart from Mick Jagger et encore) to the extent of being able to make any sense of the Late Young Arthur's works? I've been living in France for nearly 30 years and Rimbaud is still beyond me. Methinks I detect the smell of a substance we normally associate with the bull but maybe I'm just an old grumpy... I wonder what Clive makes of all this? Are there any Rimbaudian references in his lyrics? Ian C
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 169
Re: Alerts -- things happening now
« Reply #19: 26.03.06 at 17:49 » |
I suspect Leonard Cohen's French might be up to scratch, if not up to Rimbaud. Possibly Joni Mitchell. We academics think we got Rimbaud down, but that's not saying much. There is no question, though, that he marks a turning-point in French poetry, whatever he "means". "Rimbaldian", non? Like "Foucaldian". Keith
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