Title: TLS review Post by Tiny_Montgomery on Today at 16:52 William Wootten reviews Nefertiti in the Flak Tower in the latest edition of the TLS (Friday, June 29.) |
Title: Re: TLS review Post by Revelator on 28.06.12 at 20:24 Is the review positive or negative? I see TLS hasn't made it available online, and it'll be a few days before I visit the local library. |
Title: TLS review Post by Tiny_Montgomery on 29.06.12 at 15:40 It's a mostly positive review by William Wootten: "Nefertiti in the Flak Tower is a good, at times very good, book of verse which shows ample evidence of James's real skill, depth and variety." While acknowledging the "prejudice against the idea of Clive James as a significant poet" among some readers, Wootten concludes: "Few contemporary poets display the skill, the strength or range that he now commands." But it would be best to read the detailed review in full in the TLS. |
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