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Pete Atkin >> Words >> Clive in G2
(Message started by: Keith Busby on Today at 00:57)

Title: Clive in G2
Post by Keith Busby on Today at 00:57
Clive is interviewed in today's Guardian:


Title: Re: Clive in G2
Post by Kevin Cryan on Today at 11:59

on 05/25/09 at 00:57:34, Keith Busby wrote :
Clive is interviewed in today's Guardian:


This profile (http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/may/25/g2-interview-clive-james-television) and the Writer's rooms (http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/may/23/writers-rooms-clive-james# ) piece in Saturday's edition of The Guardian are probably his way of promoting his new collection of essays The Revolt of the Pendulum which is due out in June (http://kcryan.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/clive-james-%E2%80%93-the-revolt-of-the-pendulum-2/)

Writer's rooms: Clive James. The Guardian 23.05.09 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/may/23/writers-rooms-clive-james#)
Clive James's writing room. Photograph: Eamonn McCabe

Kevin Cryan

The print edition of The Guardian today says that The Revolt of the Pendulum, published by Picador, is out on 5 June, priced £15.99.

Title: Re: Clive in G2
Post by Rob Spence on Today at 13:02
The Grauniad's web site is flagging the interview with a line about CJ "throwing his hat into the ring" for the Oxford Professor of poetry job- not quite what he says in the interview methinks.

Title: Re: Clive in G2
Post by Kevin Cryan on 31.05.09 at 15:46

on 05/25/09 at 13:02:20, Rob Spence wrote :
The Grauniad's web site is flagging the interview with a line about CJ "throwing his hat into the ring" for the Oxford Professor of poetry job- not quite what he says in the interview methinks.

It may not have been what he said, but it does appear that the possibility of his being offered it is
is being taken seriously (http://kcryan.wordpress.com/2009/05/31/clive-james-for-oxford-professor-of-poetry/) by The Observer's literary editor.

Kevin Cryan

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