Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow
 I love Midnight Voices!
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Two new books by Clive James
« : 06.09.14 at 17:18 » |
The Bookseller04.09.14 | Sarah Shaffi Clive James poetry to Picador Quote:Picador is to publish two new books by Clive James, including a collection of poetry. Sentenced to Life, to be released on 9th April 2015, will be a collection of his recent poems. Meanwhile out this autumn will be Poetry Notebook 2006-2014 (hardback, £14.99), which will be published on 9th October, to coincide with James’ 75th birthday. James, who has cancer, said: “Poetry Notebook sums up my lifetime of writing about poems by other people. One of the continuing themes of the book is that what matters most is not so much poetry as the poem: the poem that stands alone and demands to be recited.” He added: “In Sentenced to Life are the poems I have been writing in this later part of my life when I have felt short of time, but even more keen to register the variety of the world.” Picador poetry editor Don Paterson* said: “Clive James' two new collections represent both his best literary criticism and his finest poetic work to date. It's typical of James - one if the great literary minds of the age - that he seems, if anything, re-energised by his current situation. "In their combination of critical ruthlessness and good humour, the Poetry Notebook reminds one of no one so much as the great Randall Jarrell - but perhaps uniquely amongst contemporary critics, James also possesses the language of enthusiasm. Sentenced to Life is a fearless, wise, moving and memorable performance: these poems are not only rich evidence of a mind still working at full tilt, but taking greater imaginative risks thanever.” Both books were acquired from Robert Kirby at United Agents. James will promote the titles "as much as his health allows". |
| Kevin Cryan *Not a bad guitarist either.