Tiny Montgomery
MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 87
Clive's new CDs
« : 03.04.08 at 20:46 » |
Has anyone mentioned that Clive James has TWO CDs out tomorrow (April 4)? Both are audiobooks released by Macmillan Digital Audio. One features Clive reading from Cultural Amnesia (presumably not the whole book!) while the second is called Poems from The Book of My Enemy - Collected Verse 1958-2003. My copy of the latter is already on the way via amazon.co.uk, for a very reasonable £8.58 (excluding postage). Both CDs are a welcome supplement to Pete's Midnight Voices. A paperback version of Cultural Amnesia has also just been published by Picador. Raids on piggy banks seem in order. Best, Terry Kelly.