Mike Walters
MV Fixture

Posts: 127
Belated Moderator's Welcome
« : 19.08.04 at 19:30 » |
Hi all Well, I seem to have volunteered to moderate this one - obviously, I didn't step back quickly enough. But, as Pete once said, what I lack in competence for the role, I more than make up for in incompetence. Anyway, a slightly belated welcome to you all as I've just got back from hols, but I'm glad to see that you've happily started without me and we've already had a visit from the great man himself. As far as I'm concerned, the remit for this forum is really anything written by CJ (including lyrics, novels, criticism and anything else) or PA (I'm looking forward to a critical exegesis of 'Ballad of an Upstairs Window' or possibly some of those old DIY columns from the late Vole magazine - unless I dreamed those...). And this should at last provide a quiet corner where those who want to can, if they choose, indulge in a little discreet practical criticism of the lyrics without risking annoying those who get annoyed by such things. And I'll try to intervene only in cases of personal abuse or complete irrelevance. Though I do reserve the right to express my own opinion, of course. Looking forward to it immensely Regards Mike Walters