Title: Shrinks at the Prom - 23 Sept Post by Jan on Today at 09:50 I gather that the Shrinks gig at the Prom, Gloucester Road, Bristol on 23 September starts at about 9.15pm, and its free! Jan |
Title: Re: Shrinks at the Prom - 23 Sept Post by Pete Atkin on 20.09.04 at 11:38 It will be something more like the ur-version of the Shrinks on Thursday, a sort of stripped-down (musically speaking), more intimate experience consisting of Messrs Brown, Lewis, Prichard, and Atkin. Sorry to disappoint all Fish fans, but as compensation there will be a couple of new items in the repertoire, including a new Dave Brown song about Bristol -- Bristol, Tennessee, that is, a town of considerable significance to music lovers. |
Title: Re: Shrinks at the Prom - 23 Sept Post by Secret Drinker on 21.09.04 at 19:32 on 09/20/04 at 11:38:34, Pete Atkin wrote :
As indeed is Bristol, England - known as the birthplace of Scrumpy & Western music ;-) (And of course for being home to some other great musicians ;-)) Cheers Paul |
Title: Dire Critics? Post by S J Birkill on 25.09.04 at 19:15 Did no-one go to the Prom? (Apart from Pete and Dave, I hope). How did the, ur, apiscine Shrinks fare? Steve |
Title: Re: Shrinks at the Prom - 23 Sept Post by Pete Atkin on 26.09.04 at 18:56 Yes, Mr 'Mod' Lewis and I were on duty as per, but I didn't spot anyone I recognised as an MV amongst the otherwise apparently tasteful and enthusiastic throng. The Vegan Shrinks (as Mr Brown described us to said throng) seemed to work well. It was, after all, simply the original line-up -- plus me. Absence of percussion in particular inevitably puts a different emphasis on the whole performance and the way you listen to each other. We'll be more than pleased to have the Fishes back, but, hey, we had a good time. |
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