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Thread: Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov (Read 4708 times) |
Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov
« : 25.11.04 at 10:10 » |
Just to say, well, that. Our lead singer appears to have a physical condition which may mean that he sounds uncannily like Tom Waits, so for those who failed to get into his (i.e. TW's) London show there may be an added appeal. Oh, and as last time at the FH, the members of the band are providing our own warm-up set by each doing a couple of solo numbers. Since most of the Shrinks audience won't know my old stuff, I thought I'd do a couple of smash flops this time. Human volume levels at the FH make it one of the best places to hear the band, I think. And (with the possible exception of the aforementioned Mr Brown) we should be at full strength. Still just a thrill away from punching through to the cosmic wow Pete
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov
« Reply #1: 25.11.04 at 14:38 » |
> Still just a thrill away from punching through to the cosmic wow < Come Again there Pete (ie what do you mean?!) or is that a Shrinks & fans inside knowledge quote/joke? Seán
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov
« Reply #2: 25.11.04 at 15:59 » |
Google is a real boon for those unacquainted with the work of Becker and Fagen... [Later] Sorry Seán, I think that needed a ! -- Steve
« Last Edit: 25.11.04 at 20:13 by S J Birkill » | |
Stephen J Birkill
Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov
« Reply #3: 26.11.04 at 10:09 » |
Good Point Steve! and I just got introduced to Ann de Siecle - not bad! [mental note ; must remember to think before posting - if I never post again you'll know it's worked
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov
« Reply #4: 30.11.04 at 11:31 » |
Sorry I missed Dave Brown sounding like Tom Waits, his Heart of Saturday Night was pretty good when he sounded like Dave Brown and the song always brings out some excellent Shrinks' performances. (I feel a bit disloyal when I hear a cover before I hear the original and then prefer the cover!) So which smash flops did the Folk House audience hear? Jan
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Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Re: Shrinks at the Bristol Folk House - 26 Nov
« Reply #5: 01.12.04 at 08:52 » |
Well, in addition to Mr Prichard giving us his own version of Tom Waits, Mr Lewis gave us Boz Scaggs's Fly Like A Bird and John Hiatt's heart-stopping What Do We Do Now? on his new and deeply jealous-making Taylor 12-string, Mr Brown gave us a preview of a couple of songs that may well be entering the canopn of the Shrinks at large, and I did an iffy Flowers and the Wine and a Beware of the Beautiful Stranger before we all joined with the Fish brothers for a most enjoyable bash. And for a man with no speaking voice, Dave B was on excellent singing form; we concluded that the hoarseness was either a bit like stuttering or that Dr Theatre performed his or her usual miracle. Pete
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