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Thread: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here! (Read 68084 times) |
Robert Reid
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #60: 29.12.06 at 12:55 » |
This has been a very difficult task for me I love so many of Pete's songs and my list can change by the hour. So here goes. Atkin/James. 1. Payday Evening. 2. The wall of Death. 3. The Hypertension Kid. 4. Thirty Year Man. 5. The Road of Silk. 6. Carnations on the Roof. 7. You can't expect to be remembered. 8. Faded Mansion on the Hill. 9. Dreamboat. 10. Senion Citizens. Other artists. 1. P.F.M. 2. Alasdair Fraser. 3. Caravan. 4. Horslips. 5. Stephan Grappelli. 6. The Tartan Amoebas. 7. Kraftwerk. 8. Salsa Celtica. 9. John Coltrane. 10. E.L.O.
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MV Fresher

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #61: 29.12.06 at 13:40 » |
Top 25 - no problem. Top 15- painful, but I managed it. Top 10- No, I want that one. No, that one... And as for putting them in order- I'm sure a musical psychologist (if there is such a person) could have fun comparing top Atkin/James songs with top bands. Anyway- 1) The wristwatch for a drummer (I could listen to this time after time on my pod-alike - in fact sometimes I do) 2) Thief in the night (just beautiful) 3) Sunlight Gate (pure poetry- but then isn't it all) 4) An array of passionate lovers (the troops of love are pulling out/ you can see it from the air) 5) Laughing boy (makes me want to laugh and cry) 6) Black Funk Rex (A/J taking the mick are better than most bands doing it for real) 7) The Master of the Revels (grew up with this song- I wanted to be him) 8) The Joker (really evocative) 9) Little Sammy Speedball (Just SO totally airplay-hostile) 10) The Last Hill... And the ones I really wanted to put in too- Search & Destroy, Fat Cat, The (album) original honky tonk night train..., Carnations on the Roof, The Rider to the Worlds end. Others musicians- 1) Jethro Tull/Ian Anderson (still making amazing music- and you never know what you'll get next) 2) Goldfrapp 3) Led Zeppelin 4) Rolling Stones 5) The Who 6) Pink Floyd 7) The Stranglers 8) Kasabian 9) Uriah Heep 10) The Sisters of Mercy
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Gerry Smith
MV Fixture

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #62: 29.12.06 at 15:08 » |
Well, it's an impossible task, but here goes. Favourite PA songs today are: 1 - History and Geography (I comb the ruins of a shattered world to find the bright face of an angel. Wow. 2 - The Faded Mansion on the Hill 3 - The Prince of Aquitaine 4 - The Flowers and the Wine 5 - Senior Citizens 6 - Thirty Year Man 7 - Payday Evenings 8 - Lady of a Day 9 - An Empty Table 10 - The Double Agent Favourite Non-PA: 1 - JS Bach 2 - Pink Floyd 3 - Genesis 4 - Gregorio Allegri (just for his Miserere) 5 - Miles Davis 6 - Isley Brothers 7 - Pat Metheny 8 - Steely Dan 9 - Tord Gustavsen 10 - Simply Red
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Ian Chippett
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #63: 29.12.06 at 15:58 » |
The Man Who Walked Towards The Music Car-Charmer Sleep An Array Of Passionate Lovers How could I have missed Our Lady Lowness? Ian C
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Jim Grozier
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #64: 29.12.06 at 16:18 » |
on 29.12.06 at 12:55, Robert Reid wrote: (Off-topic ...) Nice to see PFM in there. I'd almost forgotten them. No, I'd forgotten them. Must seek out those old tapes sometime ...
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Jon Philpot
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #65: 29.12.06 at 17:23 » |
Quickly done, otherwise it would have taken over Christmas! PA/CJ: 1. King At Nightfall 2. 30 Year Man 3. Hill of Little Shoes 4. Master of the Revels 5. Sessionman's Blues 6. Empty Table 7. Flowers and the Wine 8. I See the Joker 9. Canoe 10. National Steel The rest: 1. Beach Boys 2. Elvis Costello 3. Beatles 4. Buena Vista Social Club 5. Bob Dylan 6. Ry Cooder 7. Miles Davis 8. Randy Newman 9. Bhundu Boys 10. Bob Marley And a Happy New Year to you all! Jon
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Bogus Trumper
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #66: 29.12.06 at 17:28 » |
on 29.12.06 at 10:26, Ian Chippett wrote:Still no votes at all for the following songs: Lady Of A Day |
| One of my favorite lyrics, as against favorite songs. Parts of it have been in my sig at various times and various places. But for me, this one is the words not the song. Sorry Pete.
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And so goodbye, my lady of a night
MV Friend
 forty year fan
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #67: 29.12.06 at 17:39 » |
This afternoon's list. No point in a near-misses list, I could just copy the discography. 1. Wiseacre 2. Tenderfoot 3. The ties that bind you 4. Between us there is nothing 5. Practical Man 6. The Original Original Honky-Tonk Night-train Blues 7. If I had my time over 8. The Eye of the Universe 9. The Beautiful Changes 10. Tonight your love is over 1. J S Bach 2. Jacques Loussier Trio 3. Handel 4. Jake Thackeray 5. Tom Lehrer 6. The Shrinks 7. Rolling Stones (early stuff) 8. Purcell 9. Penguin Café 10. Steve Reich Happy New Year to all. Nedd
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Ian Chippett
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #68: 29.12.06 at 18:52 » |
B. Trumper wrote concerning Lady Of A Day <<One of my favorite lyrics, as against favorite songs. Parts of it have been in my sig at various times and various places. But for me, this one is the words not the song. >> If you look at Gerry Smith's chord transcription, you'll se that this is one of Pete's rare forays into the world of experimental music as he uses a whole-tone scale i.e. C D E F#Ab Bb C which is unusual in Western Music (though Debussy used it.) It means the music never really resolves and gives an impression of floating. I was never particularly fond of this one, I must admit, until I saw the transcription which made me think about it again. Ian C Taking a junior aspirin after a day of mental arithmatic in Pantin France
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Bogus Trumper
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #69: 29.12.06 at 19:25 » |
Hmmm. I have very little idea what that lot means But it probably explains it
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And so goodbye, my lady of a night
Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #70: 29.12.06 at 20:58 » |
It is extraordinarily difficult isn't it, but having "joined" via a Noel Edmonds introduction I appear to be wedded to the past and find it totally impossible to list them in the same preference order at any second glance - so 1. Beware of the Beautiful Stranger ( never got past - a globular fragment of star) 2. Practical Man ( 'Cause when you die they're what you're found with) 3. Thief in the Night ( Like a military order second class ) 4. Hypertension Kid ( to find a graceful way of staying slid ) 5. Thirty year man ( For an hour alone spells freedom...) 6. You can't expect to be remembered ( Very far beyond the early evening of tomorrow ) 7. Touch has a memory ( touching has no defences ) 8. Screen Freak ( Atlantis down in Bubbles and Atlanta....) 9. Flowers and the Wine ( I have never loved you more, see you anon ) 10. Rain Wheels ( her Firestone go trailing spray, they slip, they grip they whip away ) Artists - well I just counted the albums, mostly, and although there were ties 1. Randy Newman 2. Billy Joel 3. Harry Nilsson 4. Tom Paxton 5. The Beatles 6. Sinatra 7. The Beach Boys 8. Kirsty MacColl 9. Paul Simon 10. Status Quo Thanks for the opportunity
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MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #71: 29.12.06 at 21:02 » |
Top Ten Atkin / James Songs: 1. Between Us There Is Nothing. This song has simply never even wavered from being my favourite Pete / Clive track for more than thirty years now. Perfect arrangement which hasn't dated at all, great contributions from the session musicians involved (particularly Chris Spedding's superb guitar). The melody is just perfect, and lyrics such as "between us there is nothing but the shadow of the future that will never let us go to be together" could easily just bring a tear to the eye...... 2. Perfect Moments. You might think that introducing breathy saxophone lines immediately after the line "Charlie Parker playing My Old Flame" around two thirds of the way through a song could just turn out to be a fraction "corny." You might think that, but you'd be quite, quite wrong. Absolutely beautiful in every way. 3. Thirty Year Man. Spare, natural piano is absolutely all that's needed on this tale of stoicism and hope - a timeless tale in any case, but particularly relevant in the current climate of young, U.K. jazz-tinged divas. 4. The Pearl-Driller. Having spent a generous chunk of my time on earth seeking my very own "girl in the gold silk jacket," I think I can readily align with Clive's sentiments on this one. 5. Canoe. Clive has successfully juxtaposed time and place-shifted story fragments before but, for me, never as cleverly and effectively as this time around. Superb tune and decent arrangement complete the picture. 6. The Road Of Silk. I've always loved the vague, dreamy atmosphere of this track......"Easy, let him sleep now." 7. All the Dead Were Strangers. Let's be frank, successful feature films have been built on less of a narrative. 8. Senior Citizens. Haven't quite had any "of the day after" myself yet (as far as I know), but this one does seem to gather personal meaning for me as the years roll on. Pete has previously suggested "the late entry of the strings was a recording economy." One of the things which "makes" the arrangement for me, however, is the way the sparse, noodling electric guitar takes you in a quite logical way towards a fuller arrangement as the song develops. 9. Beware Of the Beautiful Stranger. Well I never..., all that from a "globular fragment of glass" - with or without the recommended "regun." More information than anyone should ever wish to receive rises to the surface within this song, I would suggest. 10. The Faded Mansion On The Hill. A beautifully symmetric lyric I've always thought, now can anyone tell me what on earth it's all about?
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Bogus Trumper
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #72: 29.12.06 at 21:12 » |
One great bonus from this thread (as far as I am concerned anyway), is the number of normally "quiet" posters that are volunteering their favorites. I like it. The more the merrier.
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And so goodbye, my lady of a night
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #73: 30.12.06 at 00:02 » |
Top Ten of "Other Stuff." I thought my selections below were rather strange and disconnected when I first wrote them down, but having now read all other postings, I'm significantly less worried! In no particular order then, here we go: Nick Drake. It's all got just a bit crowded for this man's music, with the Nick Drake Estate going "global" big-time in recent years (numerous film soundtracks, posthumous releases of unreleased material, speculative biographies, etc.), but the music itself remains as poised and intimate as ever, and indeed strangely fresh in 2006. Free. Paul Kossoff's best work was all behind him by the time he was twenty-one years old. The significant reappraisal of his talent which has taken place over the last decade or so was long overdue. Few soloists on any instrument can burn with the passion and soul he demonstrated. Jake Thackray. Since he died in late 2002, Jake has experienced a huge posthumous career revival with the full box-set treatment, an hour-long television documentary, archival releases, etc. - in truth, "the works." Sorry Jake old lad, but that's rock'n'roll for you! Terry Reid. For the first time in more than twenty years, Terry has been visiting his native U.K. on a "semi-serious" touring basis recently. His voice is as good as ever, and if you can catch him reasonably sober, prepare to be astonished by his undimmed vocal powers and fairly scary overall talent. Jonathan Kelly. Similar early career profile to Pete Atkin really, with five major label albums released between 1970 and 1975. However, he then vanished completely off the radar for nearly thirty years. Recent low-key resumption of his gigging career has resulted in me replacing all of his stuff on CD, and playing him to death over 2006. The Sensational Alex Harvey Band. More comic book than anything else, I suppose, but a band of such power and authority only comes along very rarely indeed. (They're even fairly awesome when they appear with pick-up singers replacing Alex in the modern era). John Martyn. Hasn't been off my music system for more than thirty years now. For anyone who thinks his glories are all in the past, have a listen to "Under My Wing" (On The Cobbles), or "Excuse Me Mister" (The Church With One Bell). Tubby Hayes. Tubby has been very fairly dealt with in terms of CD reissue programmes in recent years. For those who care greatly about U.K. jazz, Tubby continues to shine very brightly indeed more than thirty-five years after his death. Steely Dan. Well, they're clever lads, aren't they. And, very unusually, the new stuff is right up there with the old, (have a listen to their last album, "Everything Must Go"). James Grant. Many years after his serious stab at pop stardom (heavily pushed with the Gary Katz produced "Love and Money"), Grant still produces records of exceptional quality. Broadly speaking he now operates in the same "singer/songwriter territory" as Messrs. Atkin and James, and, for me at least, anyone who can incorporate the word "factotum" into his lyrics in a seamless, natural way just has to be worth a listen!
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David Morgan
MV Feature

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #74: 30.12.06 at 01:16 » |
Votes pouring in - thanks to everyone, and also to Ian for the various fascinating cuts of the songs poll that we're getting as inspiration strikes him. It's harder to spot the patterns on the musicians poll - Bob Dylan and the Beatles are currently in front as might be expected, but multiple new names are still arriving with almost every vote. The Voices have the musical waterfront well covered. Here's an illustration of how variegated a bunch we are: the following musicians/composers have each been placed in one MV's Top Three, without anyone else voting for them so far (I think!). In alphabetical order: David Ackles Allman Brothers Harvey Andrews Bartok Brahms Shawn Colvin Debussy Free Genesis Grateful Dead (that was me!) Handel Incredible String Band Jethro Tull Billy Joel Nic Jones Kate & Anna McGarrigle (would be in my Top 20, I must say) Ralph McTell Harry Nilsson Ravel Seatrain James Taylor Let's see if further support emerges for these folks in the final two days' voting. Ian & I hope to have the results out on 1 Jan - make that a date! David M
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David Randall
MV Fresher

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #75: 30.12.06 at 16:16 » |
Seems like a good excuse for my first post! Here is my contribution to the favourite songs/favourite musicians debate. I'm not sure that I can analyse or defend my choices in an appropriately erudite manner but I suppose that they are simply those that have meant the most to me over the years for whatever reason. 1. History And Geography 2. The Faded Mansion on the Hill 3. The Hollow And The Fluted Night 4. Ice Cream Man 5. Driving Through Mythical America 6. Payday Evening 7. Tonight Your Love is Over 8. A Man Who's Been Around 9. No Dice 10. Practical Man 1. Mozart 2. Wagner 3. Bach 3. Bob Dylan 4. The Beatles 5. Neil Young 6. Tschaikowsky 7. Pink Floyd 8. Ry Cooder 9. Beethoven 10. Janacek Happy New Year! David Randall
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David Randall
Peter G Knight
MV Fresher

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #76: 30.12.06 at 16:29 » |
Top ten Pete Atkin tracks... I thought this was going to be an impossible task, but fortunately I made a compilation CD for a road trip a couple of years ago that had 11 Pete Atkin tracks on it... looking through that list and cutting out just one seemed easier than looking through 30 odd years of recollections and picking 10. 1. Sunrise 2. The trophies of my lovers gone 3. Thought of you 4. Beware of the beautiful stranger 5. The prince of Aquitaine 6. The pearl driller 7. The hollow and the fluted night 8. You can't expect to be remembered 9. Dancing master 10. The road of silk Today's top ten non-Atkin musicians/composers/artists: 1. Gustav Mahler 2. Frank Sinatra 3. Dire Straits 4. Annie Lennox 5. Kathryn Tickell 6. Sinead O'Connor 7. Oscar Peterson 8. Bjork 9. Marina V. 10. REM
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Rob Ward
MV Fresher

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #77: 30.12.06 at 18:33 » |
It would be different every day but here goes 1. Senior Citizens 2. BOBS 3. Perfect Moments 4. Screen Freak 5. The Double Agent 6. The Wall of Death 7. 30 year man 8. All the Dead were Strangers 9. Between us there is nothing 10. Girl on a Train 1. Kirsty Maccoll (that doesn't change) 2. Little Feat 3. Eagles 4. Paul Simon (S&G) 5. Fairport 6. Don McLean 7. Fleetwood Mac (old & new) 8. Beach Boys 9. Buddy Holly 10. Who
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Rob White
MV Fresher

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #78: 31.12.06 at 11:08 » |
I was initially drawn to PA/CJ songs by Pete’s music, whilst Clive’s teasing lyrics have been something of a bonus. Certainly I’ve always believed that a good tune with a bad lyric can still be a good song, whereas a great lyric with a bad tune isn’t worth getting out of bed for. As a result, when I play Pete’s albums the songs that I eagerly await are those with an unforgettable melody line, perhaps with an understated guitar solo and a well timed sax interjection, which makes me want to close my eyes and wallow (unless I’m driving at the time). But the best songs of all are where a killer melody line is fitted to meaningful lyrics which capture a situation perfectly, whether unrequited love, social injustice, or simply insights drawn from everyday life. I’m also a sucker for ballads and particularly like the somewhat old fashioned half-spoken-and-rather-lengthy intro leading to a delicately phrased line, as in SC & YCETBR. 1 Flowers & the wine 2 Faded mansion on the hill 3 Senior Citizens 4 The double agent 5 Commercial traveller 6 Perfect moments 7 You can’t expect to be remembered 8 Care charmer sleep 9 Between us there is nothing 10 Nothing left to say [For me the first three titles in the list have never been surpassed as PA’s most outstanding songs.] Near misses:- Tonight your love is over, Sunrise, No dice, My egoist, History & geography. So, mostly ballads, many in a minor key, with some wicked chord changes, and spread fairly evenly over the first five albums. About twenty years ago I filled one side of a C120 tape cassette (ie 60 minutes worth) with what were for me Pete’s stand-out tracks, the ones that I really wanted to hear over and over again. My top ten (above) are all on that old cassette, except “Commercial Traveller” which wasn’t released back then. Reading the E Mails from other Midvodians it’s clear that I’m not alone in thinking that there are so few duds that it comes as a surprise when their turn comes round when playing a CD. Without wishing to be disrespectful to Pete, maybe the next poll should be the songs we skip, the ones which no matter how many times we try they just don’t work for us. For me it’s inevitably the tunes which are the problem. My bottom three songs (ignoring the whole of Live Libel, which was a bit of fun but not - IMHO - to be taken seriously), are:- 1 National steel 2 Cold bitches 3 Our Lady Lowness ---------------------------------------------- TOP TEN NON-ATKIN MUSICIANS/COMPOSERS/ARTISTS: This was rather easier to compile than the PA / CJ list, and is dominated by British acts from the 70s. Tony Banks Tony Banks is the keyboard player and unsung hero of Genesis. He wrote the epic tracks that brought the band a cult following in the 70s, and then followed that with several excellent solo albums /soundtracks, culminating in an orchestral CD reminiscent of Vaughan Williams. Camel A predominantly instrumental band (the Shadows meets Focus?), they were the pick of the prog outfits in the 70s and have continued to delight with every album. Clifford T Ward Generally regarded as a one trick pony, but wrote and performed many touching songs before his career was cut short by MS. Crowded House An ANZAC band, sadly disbanded ten years ago, who were blessed with a brilliant songwriter in Neil Finn. The best thing to come out of Oz since the All Blacks. Gerry Rafferty From his Humblebum beginnings with Billy Connolly to fleeting acclaim as the new McCartney, Rafferty’s unusual melody lines and harmonies are second to none. Justin Hayward The Moodies main songwriter, both quantitatively & qualitatively, with an uncanny ability to find beautiful melody lines. Mark Knopfler Evolved from a master craftsman of memorable hit songs as frontman of Dire Straits, to a superb solo artist. Arguably the best guitarist since Hendrix popped his clogs. Beatles No list would be complete without the pioneering band which, through my teenage years, took me from the moon ‘n june era to places where I could never have dreamt of going. So nice to see the gradual blossoming of George’s songwriting talents, and it’s difficult to see an album (by anyone other than Pete) even getting close to Sgt Pepper. Elton John Deserves to be included for nearly 40 years of writing the most hummable of tunes. Chris de Burgh This list seems to be getting more and more mainstream, but I can’t in all honesty leave out this man. He may be cheesy at times, but his songwriting is second to none, and how many other vocalists would even consider performing for three hours without a break. Near misses:- Mike Oldfield, Decameron, Les Mis, Joe Jackson, David Gray, Karnataka, Annie Haslam, Happy the man, Enya ROB WHITE
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Stewart Betts
MV Fresher

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Re: The Top Ten Polls 2006 - Vote Here!
« Reply #79: 31.12.06 at 12:02 » |
I wonder how many of those appearing in MV's other-artists top tens were satirised in Live Libel? I know that at least one of mine was... is this a credibility issue? Stew
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