Title: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Pete Atkin on Today at 11:37 The entire workforce at Hillside Music is severally and individually honoured and pleased to be able to offer not only all but also sundry the opportunity to purchase through their auspices, viz. the Hillside online shop at http://www.peteatkin.com/hillshop.htm, Sarah Moule's outstanding new album "A Lazy Kind Of Love". Connoisseurs, such as yourselves, will immediately spot the considerable involvement of several considerable talents who have perhaps become familiar through the "Midnight Voices" CD, to such an enjoyable extent that the additional involvement of yours truly singing harmony vocals on "Living In Overdrive" and Sarah's own superb version of "The Flowers And The Wine" - given a (to me, at any rate) completely convincing change of perspective by means of a few tiny pronoun gender changes - are likely to be of merely incidental interest. Highly, as they say, recommended. |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 09.06.08 at 21:35 Two tracks, the title track and The Flowers and the Wine, from this fine album were played by Russell Davies (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/davies/playlist.shtml) on last night's show. Kevin Cryan [bgcolor=Orange]http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/images/new_logo.gif[/bgcolor] http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/images/shows/davies/radio2_v2_classbbanners_01.gif http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/images/listenagain_blue.gif (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/radio2_aod.shtml?radio2/russell) |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Simon Reap on 10.06.08 at 13:58 If you listen again (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/radio2_aod.shtml?radio2/russell) to Russell, they start at 29' 51" and 38' 25", though if you do jump straight to these you'll miss some crackers! Simon |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 11.06.08 at 11:56 This is a reminder that Sarah Moule has some very attractive engagements lined up for the near future. It is especially nice to see that Nikki Leighton-Thomas, the great interpreter of Landesman/Wallace compositions who absence for the music scene has not gone unnoticed, is making one of her now very rare and welcome appearances at Venue M on the 19th. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. [bgcolor=Brown]http://www.peteatkin.com/images/sarah_logo_banner_cropped.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/dates.html) http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_home_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/index.html)http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_news_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/news.html)http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_music_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/music/index.html)http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_about_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/about.html)http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_dates_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/dates.html)http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_mailing_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/mailing_list.html )http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_links_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/links.html)http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/b_press_f2.jpg (http://www.sarahmoule.net/press/index.html)[/bgcolor] http://www.sarahmoule.net/images/title_dates.gif >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 19th June 8pm Venue M 10 George Street, Hastings TN34 3EG 01424 429837 with Fran Landesman, Simon Wallace and Nicki Leighton-Thomas. www.venuem.co.uk (http://www.venuem.co.uk) 22nd June 1-4pm 606 Club 90 Lots Rd, Chelsea, SW10 tel 0207 352 5953 www.606club.co.uk (http://www.606club.co.uk) a very special lunchtime gig with the legendary poet and lyricist Fran Landesman 2nd July 8pm Spice Of Life 6 Moor St., London W1 www.spicejazz.co.uk (http://www.spicejazz.co.uk) 20th July 8pm Jazz7 at Hugo's 21-25 Lonsdale Road London NW6 Tel 020 7372 1232 26th July 2005 Leasowes Bank Arts Festival Leasowes Bank, Shropshire This concert, in the beautifully restored barn at Leasowes Bank Farm, close to the Long Mynd, is a celebration of the music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. www.leasowesmusicfestival.co.uk (http://www.leasowesmusicfestival.co.uk) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Cryan |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 30.06.08 at 06:59 A Lazy Kind of Love gets a very good review in the current (July) issue of Jazzwise (http://www.jazzwise.com/). Although the reviewer is very much impressed by the quality of the songs Sharah has chosen - the Fran Landesman and Simon Wallace numbers are mentioned, as are the songs that Joe Henry and Jule Styne - he makes no mention of the The Flowers and the Wine by Clive James and Pete Atkin. I myself would say that the ommission is not altogether surprising. Having listened to the whole album nearly a dozen times, I'm finding it difficult to decide which of the album's fourteen tracks is my favourite. At present, and if pushed, I'd probably plump for the title track, which I think is a real knockout. Kevin Cryan |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Pete Atkin on 30.06.08 at 13:05 And don't forget it's readily available from the Hillside Shop.... |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 01.07.08 at 22:08 Incidentally, those of you have listened to Sarah & Pete's interpretation of the Landesman and Wallace gem Living in Overdrive may like to compare it to Nicky Lieghton-Thomas and Ian Shaw's treatment of the song. Here., courtesy of Last fm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last.fm), is their version as it appeared, first on the 2001 Babel album Damned If I Do (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Damned-If-Do-Nicki-Leighton-Thomas/dp/B000057IHL), an album that was to be repackaged by the Candid label as Forbidden Games (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Forbidden-Games-Nicki-Leighton-Thomas/dp/B00005RT85). http://cdn.last.fm/depth/header2/red_logo.jpg Living In Overdrive (http://www.last.fm/music/Nicki+Leighton-Thomas/_/Living+In+Overdrive)
The fact that other tracks from Forbidden Games can be played on Last fm (http://www.last.fm/music/Nicki+Leighton-Thomas/Forbidden+Games) should encourage all who listen to them to go out and buy this fine album while some copies of it are still in circulation. It's becoming something of a collectors item that is really worth having. Kevin Cryan |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Keith Busby on 02.07.08 at 00:47 I second that motion. For those of us what likes a good song, this album, along with Sarah's two previous ones, containing many Landesman-Wallace compositions, are required listening. Keith |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 07.07.08 at 23:02 on 06/11/08 at 11:56:20, Kevin Cryan wrote :
NB The Leasowes Bank Arts Festival is definately not held here (http://gruvr.com/show/290912/). If you are thinking of attending, please remember to use the address given on www.leasowesmusicfestival.co.uk (http://www.leasowesmusicfestival.co.uk) as your guide. Kevin Cryan |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 08.07.08 at 06:56 on 07/07/08 at 23:02:00, Kevin Cryan wrote :
Erratum The date of Sarah's appearance at the festival should read 26th of July 2008, not 26th July2005. Mea culpa, mea culpa. Kevin Cryan |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 16.07.08 at 13:31 on 07/01/08 at 22:08:40, Kevin Cryan wrote :
With reference to Babel and Candid, I am pleased to note that among the BBC Jazz Awards 2008 (http://www.airmtm.com/2008/jun/25/nominations-announced-for-the-bbc-jazz-awards-2008) nominees in the Services To Jazz (http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/jazzawards2008/services_to_jazz/) category are both Oliver Weindling, founder of the Babel, and Alan Bates, who, having run his own adventurous Black Lion Records (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lion_Records) from the late sixties to the late eighties, has been of Candid for almost two decades. Kevin Cryan EXTRACTS Alan Bates [Alan Bates founded Black Lion Records in the late 60s, recording artists as diverse as Chris Barber, Thelonious Monk and Sun Ra. In the 1980s he took over the running of the Candid label, signing Stacey Kent, Clare Teal and Jamie Cullum among others. Candid Records (http://www.candidrecords.com/) Oliver Weindling Oliver Weindling started The Babel label in 1994 and has been responsible for managing the release of over 60 albums by artists as diverse as Billy Jenkins, Christine Tobin and Acoustic Ladyland. He is also a director of London's Vortex Jazz Club. Babel Label site (http://www.babellabel.co.uk/) |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 19.07.08 at 20:55 From today's Jazz Line-Up (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/jazzlineup/pip/u8cbr/) playslist >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9. Title: It's Not Your Night Artist: Sarah Moule Album: A Lazy Kind of Love Trk: 3 Label: Red Ram Records No: RAM 001 Dur: 03.38 Comp: S.Wallace/F.Landesman Pub. Bucks Music Group >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Cryan Full details of today's broadcast Jazz Line-Up BBC Jazz Awards Preview Listen (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b00clt1n) to this episode for up to 7 days after broadcast Saturday 19 July 2008 16:00-17:30 (Radio 3) Claire Martin previews this year's BBC Jazz Awards and discusses the key figures in the nominations. Journalist Kevin LeGendre talks to double bassist and mulitilingual vocalist Esperanza Spalding about her recent appearance in London and her debut album Esperanza. |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by naomi on 24.07.08 at 20:54 Did anyone take sharp-definition pictures of Sarah with Pete during his 606 gig in Chelsea (at which she duetted with him) that Sarah could use for publicity purposes ? Sarah has asked me whether I did so, but being a dinosaur I have an earlier-generation mobile that has no camera, and nor do I have a digital camera. Would be grateful if any MVs who do have pix could let me know by Message - and I'll pass the info to Sarah. Many thanks, Naomi |
Title: Re: Sarah Moule - A Lazy Kind Of Love Post by Kevin Cryan on 07.02.09 at 21:52 From issue 85 (the February/March 2009 issue) of Jazz UK (http://www.jazzservices.org.uk/JazzUK/Magazine/tabid/55/Default.aspx) http://www.jazzservices.org.uk/Portals/0/JazzUK85.jpg Quote:
I'm not altogether certain who BB is, but I think that it may be this fellow (http://www.jazzservices.org.uk/Directory/tabid/72/Default.aspx?ContactID=2333) Kevin Cryan |
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