S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Upcoming gigs : Summary
« : 30.11.21 at 06:58 » |
With gig dates, cancellations and changes having recently been announced in various places (Smash Flops, Facebook and Pete's Newsletter as well as here on Midnight Voices), I feel the need to sum up the current position with regard to the 2021/2022 gig calendar as it stands today: Saturday, 4th December 2021, Acoustic Routes at Thrive, Cambridge: This Pete Atkin solo gig is CANCELLED due to unforeseen problems with the venue. Organiser Bernard Hoskin is hoping to find a new venue in the Cambridge area for future Acoustic Routes sessions, but there is no word yet. See this thread. Friday, 18th February 2022, at St Mary's Church, Dorking, Surrey: New member David Scoffield is promoting this event, as part of his St Mary's Sessions venture. Simon Wallace will bring along his smart new Roland keyboard for the event. Tickets are already on sale through Eventbrite. See also this thread. Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, at The Pheasantry, London: Pete continues his regular visits to Pizza Express's basement jazz venue in the Kings Road, with three dates in 2022, all featuring Simon Wallace on piano. Tickets will go on sale through the venue's website, nearer the time. Saturday, 2nd July 2022, at The Pheasantry, London: [as above]. Saturday 1st October 2022, at The Pheasantry, London: [as above]. This date is rescheduled from '1st November', announced elsewhere. All four of the upcoming dates are listed in Pete's website's Gig Guide section, with links to the venues' sites and ticket booking addresses as available. There may be further changes, as no-one yet knows what 'omicron' (or its successor) will bring, but I'll keep you informed. Meantime, you might like to keep those dates in mind... Steve