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Thread: Resumption ! (Read 6856 times) |
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Resumption !
« : 20.04.21 at 06:13 » |
If the stars continue to align, according to their presumed-and-yet-to-be-manifest destinies, there exists a non-zero and indeed increasing (to date) probability that Pete, his voice, his guitar, and his friend Simon Wallace (master of the Steinway) will return to the London SW3 stage as early as this July. The so-far-just-pencilled-in date is Thursday, July 8th, with a return visit (also provisional) slated for Saturday, October 16th. Nothing's definite at this distance, but with you all booking taxis, trains, restaurants, theatres and cinemas, holidays even, three months ahead, we think you should be aware of these potential performance dates as soon as possible, in order to keep your diary clear of the other stuff. Pizza Express hasn't announced anything yet -- officially they're still in hibernation -- but it would be prudent to keep an eye on the Pheasantry Website, as well as, well, Midnight Voices. The venue's capacity may be reduced below what we've come to expect, so there could well be a scramble for tickets when booking opens. Pete is longing to get in front of an audience again and give us a show to remember: he's booked a haircut for the end of this month! Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: Resumption !
« Reply #1: 08.05.21 at 18:49 » |
The first date (July 8th) is now public, and booking at the Pizza Express Website.
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Stephen J Birkill
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Resumption ?
« Reply #2: 15.06.21 at 01:40 » |
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Stephen J Birkill
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Two days to go!
« Reply #3: 06.07.21 at 21:29 » |
A few tickets still available for this Thursday's performance at The Pheasantry.
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Stephen J Birkill
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Setlist (from Pete)
« Reply #4: 10.07.21 at 05:57 » |
[ As posted by Pete to the Facebook fan group. Anyone from here go? ] : Pheasantry - July 8th 2021 First gig - and first time in London - for almost exactly eighteen months. Huge thanks to everyone who came - a sold-out audience under the current regulations. Here's the setlist - PA – voc, ac gtr (except where indicated) Simon Wallace – piano (except where indicated) A Dream of Fair Women (no gtr) The Friendly Island Song (no gtr) – segue into… History and Geography An Empty Table (no gtr) Stranger in Town The Magic Wasn't There (no gtr) Driving Through Mythical America Dancing Master (PA piano – no gtr) Hypertension Kid (no gtr) Girl on the Train The Luck of the Draw – segue into … Be Careful When They Offer You The Moon Practical Man Have You Got A Biro? My Egoist I See The Joker (PA piano – no gtr) Canoe (no gtr) Wristwatch for a Drummer (enc) You Can't Expect To Be Remembered PS - Amongst the audience was ... Julie Covington. Yup, really. [ Here's a photo from the gig, thanks to Benjamin Peterson ] : [ -- Steve ]
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Stephen J Birkill
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 2
Re: Resumption !
« Reply #5: 27.07.21 at 11:33 » |
Firstly, thankyou to Steve B for admitting me to this Pete Atkin appreciation group. I had intended to write up at some length about my introduction and subsequent following of Pete and his music but I’m halfway through ‘Loose Canon’ and I think that says, far more eloquently than I ever could, everything about Pete and his music. Suffice to say, I started listening to Pete in the early 70’s, experienced a bit of a break due to all the usual life-related issues and then picked things up again as retirement approached and is now in full swing. So I was thrilled to see that Pete was performing ‘live’ at The Pheasantry in (I think) April or May last year and bought 2 tickets immediately. That was postponed for well known reasons until July and then cancelled altogether. Disappointed hardly sums it up. But, out of the blue, an email from The Pheasantry informed me that the gig was on again, this time on July 8th this year. I booked a hotel (travelling down from Nottingham) and found myself at a table no more than a few feet away from Pete Atkin himself, performing live. Something I thought I would never experience. The friend who was supposed to accompany me was unable to do so, so I had a spare ticket which I would have gladly made available to a member of MV but, unfortunately, I’ve only just joined the group so couldn’t. Apologies for that. The gig itself was brilliant, Pete spoke a young lady on the table adjacent to mine and I now believe that she may have been Julie Covington. An intimate venue, some brilliant renditions of amazing songs, I even managed to blather some complimentary star-struck remarks to Pete after the performance. He was very polite, he said thank-you and smiled at me. I also managed to obtain the actual play list that he and Simon used on the night. That will be going into an A4 frame and will hang in pride of place at home. I’ll try to attach the pic to this post if I can. Looking forward to the next one!
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: Resumption !
« Reply #6: 03.08.21 at 02:06 » |
Hello Reg Thanks for posting -- we don't get enough of the 'new member reminiscence' -type posts these days, so it's most rewarding to hear from a real enthusiast, describing the dream-come-true moment of being in that most unlikely audience. I think a great many of us share your experience -- hearing Pete, buying and loving the records, realising his music would never be mainstream, and, well, just getting on with life. With me it was the 70s album music nostalgia thing that kept coming back, but around my 50th birthday it came back with Pete's six albums attached, and I tried to do something about it. The story's old and all over the Website, but it culminated in the 1997 Monyash event with Julie Covington as a guest, and then the 1998 Buxton gig with Clive James guesting. And, with a bit of enthusiastic following drummed up through what became MV, together with Pete's willingness to run with it, gave rise to the CD reissues and the international and UK tours of 2003 and 2005. Check out the videos on Pete's 'Smash Flops' home page to see Pete revealing History and Geography to the world at Monyash in '97. So near to you too! I think the nearest he's been to Nottingham in recent times was the gig MV member Martin Snodin organised at Alstonefield Village Hall, Derbyshire in 2019. There might be prospect of a return visit -- any news, Martin? The next gig in the calendar is another Pheasantry appearance with Simon in October, and a solo gig at the new Thrive café (formerly CB2) in Cambridge in December. Neither date is booking yet, but if you keep an eye on the Gig Guide we'll let you know when they are. By the way, if you need to attach a picture to an MV post, just use the 'Upload an Image' button, bottom right on MV's message entry form -- it'll guide you through the process. Cheers Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 2
Re: Resumption !
« Reply #7: 04.08.21 at 13:59 » |
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