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Thread: Pete Done Down on "The Write Stuff" (Read 3207 times) |
Jeremy Pymer
MV Friend
 Impractical Man
Posts: 16
Pete Done Down on "The Write Stuff"
« : 27.06.06 at 00:38 » |
Doing the washing up after lunch today, minding my own business, when who should issue forth from the steam radio but himself, though not quite himself. "Sunrise" was the subject of a question on Radio 4's "The Write Stuff" today, re the reference to John Donne's "unruly sun". In order to get in sufficient context, a clip of most of the relevant verse was included, but owing to what I guess were time constraints, or possibly just a cock-up, the recording had been slightly speeded up, to Pete's great disadvantage. His voice was a little unearthly as a result, and produced the same shivery response in me as that evoked the only time I heard a (very old) recording of a castrato. To make matters worse, whoever answered the question alleged that the only words he had understood were "unruly sun" (and gave the answer re Donne) and on being pressed as to the singer's identity, said he thought it was one of "those bedsit strummers", possibly Al Stewart. He was put right by the Chairman and the music and words were properly credited between Pete and CJ, but I ask you...... The programme is repeated on Saturday at 11pm. Listen in to be mildly outraged at the insolent ignorance of it all. Guess there's a link via the BBC website, should you care to join the green ink brigade. Looking forward to meeting to renewing my acquaintance with 79 of you and your guests at the Lantern in September, but most of all to hearing Pete sounding just like himself. Jeremy Pymer Wondering what it's all coming to in Fowlmere, South Cambs.
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Dave Jones
MV Fresher

Still making taglines in Rochester NY
Posts: 8
Re: Pete Done Down on "The Write Stuff"
« Reply #1: 01.07.06 at 22:04 » |
You can also "Listen Again" as I do via the BBC website. The show is available for 7 days after initial broadcast. If you listen webwise, as I do, it's actually better than live feed, which is subject to dropouts and strange distortions. Ah, to hear the Archers again after all these years ! Which brings me to the subject of Pete's production work. He's doing a lot more than just "This Sceptred Isle" these days, but the BBC doesn't do production credits on the website. You have to listen to the audio credits. Would Pete himself care to list his current productions ? Dave Jones Producing hot air in Rochester NY.
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