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Thread: New Forum (Read 82033 times) |
MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: New Forum
« Reply #40: 26.07.04 at 17:19 » |
on 23.07.04 at 18:55, S J Birkill wrote: how about headings for 25 (see 'Information Summary' box under 'MV Home')? -- SJB |
| I'm still getting the 10 most recent posts in the summary but have discovered the link at the bottom for More recent postings which gives you the last 500, enough even for me! Have to say that this forum doesn't fit in as well with my workflow as the email list, simply because I use email all day and every day. I am finding the interface a bit intimidatingly complex - although I'm sure its a bit like a washing machine where you only ever use 2 programs no matter what else it does.
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: New Forum
« Reply #41: 26.07.04 at 17:24 » |
Jan I cut the summary of recent posts down to 10 (from 25) over the weekend, so as not to clutter up the listing. The click-through '50 most recent' I increased to 500, but the 'view 10' I cut back to 5. I'm sure (?) everyone'll grow to love it...
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Stephen J Birkill
Richard Corfield
MV Fresher

I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 6
Re: New Forum
« Reply #42: 31.07.04 at 08:38 » |
Hi Friends, Just back from holiday so I'm only just trying this. Yes, it works for me! Well done Steve and thanks for all your continuing hard work. BTW: Saw Clive at the Dartington Literary Festival a couple of weeks ago. He was on excellent form - read out a couple of his reviews - the one about Judith Krantz (?) was hysterical and he also did some readings from Unreliable Memoirs - notably Billycart Hill. I managed to ask a question about Pete so that the audience (the hall was packed) were informed about the music side too. He made a point of mentioning the web site - has there been any more traffic as a result Steve? Also, I bought his new poetry volume (The Book of My Enemy) and I was truly delighted to see so many song lyrics featured: not just old ones but also newer stuff from The Lakeside Sessions and Winter Spring. All best, Richard C
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: New Forum
« Reply #43: 31.07.04 at 09:09 » |
on 31.07.04 at 08:38, Richard_Corfield wrote:Saw Clive at the Dartington Literary Festival a couple of weeks ago. [...] He made a point of mentioning the web site - has there been any more traffic as a result Steve? |
| Pretty quiet, Richard: 2 new members on the 15th and one on the 29th. Hits about average -- SJB
« Last Edit: 31.07.04 at 09:59 by S J Birkill » | |
Stephen J Birkill
Richard Corfield
MV Fresher

I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 6
Re: New Forum
« Reply #44: 31.07.04 at 09:22 » |
Hi Friends, Just got back from holiday so I'm trying this for the first time. Yes, I like it! Good job Steve, and thanks for all your continuing hard work. Saw Clive at the Dartington Literary Festival a couple of weeks ago. He was in good form reading a review he wrote of a book by Judith Krantz (?) which was hysterically funny and reading the Billycart Hill extract from Unreliable Memoirs. I managed to ask a question about his work with Pete and Clive used the opportunity to plug the website - any more hits than usual as a result Steve? I also bought The Book of My Enemy and was delighted to see so many of the lyrics in it - not just from the old albums but also from The Lakeside Sessions and Winter Spring too. All best, Richard C
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Richard Corfield
MV Fresher

I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 6
Re: New Forum
« Reply #45: 31.07.04 at 09:27 » |
Sorry guys, Wasn't sure the first version posted so I retyped it. I can see that this new system will take some getting used to but I'm still sure it's an improvement! Richard C
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: New Forum
« Reply #46: 31.07.04 at 09:36 » |
Richard: after posting, in case of error, you have 6 minutes to delete ('Remove') your message and 31 minutes to edit ('Modify') it, after which it becomes permanent (the 'Remove' and 'Modify' options disappear). -- SJB
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Stephen J Birkill
Dave Smith
MV Fresher

 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 1
Re: New Forum
« Reply #48: 02.08.04 at 05:25 » |
Steve Love it. Just when I think you may be doing too much work you do even more. I have been a silent weekly MV for ages. Don't know how many more there are like me. This is just the way to spend 5:30ish am when you can't sleep.
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Colin Boag
MV Feature

Posts: 40
Re: New Forum
« Reply #49: 02.08.04 at 10:04 » |
Steve, excellent forum - well done. If I might make one suggestion. I would remove the facility whereby members can use a pseudonym rather than their name. As one who subscribes to a few such forums (fora?) I've seen the trouble that can be caused by letting people disguise who they are. I use the Gloucester Rugby Club forum regularly and all kinds of idiots post the most amazing rubbish because they believe their identity is hidden. MV is a small, relatively intimate group and I don't see why any one of us shouldn't be willing to have our name attached to our post. Colin
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: New Forum
« Reply #50: 02.08.04 at 10:38 » |
Thanks Colin I'm inclined to leave this decision to the member. In fact I don't think we can insist: we have no control over the username an applicant enters on registration -- it may well bear no relation to his or her real name, although you, myself and most of the regulars have used our own names; to set a different nickname for forum use is then optional, and we can only recommend members use their real names at this point. Yes, I could disable this option, barge in and enter their names myself, if I recognised them from their e-mail addresses, but that would be unfriendly and in any case couldn't always be done with newcomers. I think there will be some peer pressure for openness -- I've already noticed some members dropping their nicknames on seeing the large number of familiar faces here. Also we can afford to be more strict in our moderation in this open forum, which could penalise the anonymous: we'd be more likely to censure or bump a made-up name than a recognisable 'Voice'. Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
Pete Smith
MV Fresher

Posts: 3
Re: New Forum
« Reply #51: 02.08.04 at 10:44 » |
on 02.08.04 at 10:04, colin_boag wrote:Steve, excellent forum - well done. If I might make one suggestion. I would remove the facility whereby members can use a pseudonym rather than their name. As one who subscribes to a few such forums (fora?) I've seen the trouble that can be caused by letting people disguise who they are. I use the Gloucester Rugby Club forum regularly and all kinds of idiots post the most amazing rubbish because they believe their identity is hidden. MV is a small, relatively intimate group and I don't see why any one of us shouldn't be willing to have our name attached to our post. Colin |
| I quite agree Colin. I'm sure we all remember the trouble Linda Snell had with "4square" on the Ambridge web site. Pete Smith
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MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 92
Re: New Forum
« Reply #52: 02.08.04 at 20:52 » |
on 02.08.04 at 10:04, colin_boag wrote: If I might make one suggestion. I would remove the facility whereby members can use a pseudonym rather than their name. Colin |
| But how would you know!! My real name is Mrs Bumbblethwithen But as myself I have another query/suggestion Steve .... the notify of reply is finally working properly, which means my mail box is filling up! No problem there, but they all look to have come from you Steve rather than the forum. Which means if you really do send an email to someone it could easily get lost in the 'noise'. Would it be possible for the system to use another address such as Thanks Ever onwards to non-newbie status
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…………. _/\ /\_ …………. ….Cary….a a…. Like Mary @ ..With a..“C”..for cat
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 886
Re: New Forum
« Reply #53: 02.08.04 at 23:08 » |
on 02.08.04 at 20:52, Cary wrote:Would it be possible for the system to use another address such as |
| Good idea -- implemented, thanks to Snoopy's on-line help! And sorry to John W, who caught me in the act (all 35 seconds of it) of trying a fix which didn't work, and crashed the forum! -- Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
MV Feature
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 92
Re: New Forum
« Reply #54: 02.08.04 at 23:15 » |
on 02.08.04 at 23:08, S J Birkill wrote: Good idea -- implemented, thanks to Snoopy's on-line help! |
| Thank you to both ...... from an MV Junior Member.
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…………. _/\ /\_ …………. ….Cary….a a…. Like Mary @ ..With a..“C”..for cat
Alan Manton
MV Friend

Posts: 15
Re: New Forum
« Reply #55: 11.08.04 at 22:30 » |
Do you really want to know what gives me a thrill about this new forum? It's a bit embarassing really. It's the bit at the bottom which tells you who else is on line at any one time. When I see the names of Steve or Carole or Leslie or Gerry or Julian or any of the other friends I have met at various locations around the country over the years, it somehow makes me feel a bit more a part of the wonderful community which Steve by his efforts has built up. Why, a couple of times Pete himself has been but a fewe keboard clicks away. Yes, I like the new forum - long may it flourish. Just one thing though. On a couple of occasions I've noticed that Steve and Carole are both online at the same time. Seperate computers? - surely not... Alan.
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You gotta help me doc...
MV Fixture

Posts: 133
Re: New Forum
« Reply #56: 11.08.04 at 23:48 » |
on 11.08.04 at 22:30, Alan Manton wrote:Just one thing though. On a couple of occasions I've noticed that Steve and Carole are both online at the same time. Seperate computers? - surely not... |
| Hi Alan You don't imagine that the Forum-meister lets me use his, do you? I like seeing who is online too. It does feel more of a 'family'. Carole
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Gerry Smith
MV Fixture

Posts: 222
Re: New Forum
« Reply #57: 12.08.04 at 01:35 » |
But doesn't it feel bloody lonely when it says 0 guests on line and 1 member and the name is your own!
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Out playing the saxes
MV Feature

Alexis Birkill
Posts: 44
Re: New Forum
« Reply #58: 12.08.04 at 19:52 » |
on 11.08.04 at 23:48, Carole wrote: You don't imagine that the Forum-meister lets me use his, do you? |
| He's got enough to choose from! (Not that I can talk! )
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John N L Morrison
MV Feature

Posts: 35
Re: New Forum
« Reply #59: 18.10.04 at 22:53 » |
Ahem.... Much as in principle I welcome the move to the new web-based forum, it does seem to me that it's dying by stages.... I used to catch up on the old messageboard as and when I could and there was a sort of vibrancy about it. But there is a critical mass for this sort of operation and I don't think that on the current level of usage there's a hope of meeting it. As it happens, I run a website for a lot of senior military people who originally convened in 1993 and get together every 2 years for an hilarious international reunion. But will they use my website to comminicate? No way. Not their generational thing. So perhaps those who used the old system are no longer being reminded by the daily/weekly pop-up on their email to keep in touch. Perhaps that's because we're all getting older. Steve - I'd be interested to know the statistics on weekly messages to the old board as conpared to postings to the new. I'd guess you're down by a factor of what? 5? 10? Not trying to be difficult, but I do have a sinking feeling reminiscent of the 2-3 major computer disasters I've presided over in the past. Let me tell you sometime about my apparence before the Parliamentary Accounts Committee to justify spending GBP40M of the taxpayers' money to no avail. But it was the best thing I ever did - by axing that sucker we got a system that worked! Yours, an ex-Deputy Chief of Defence Intelligence, John
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John N L Morrison