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Not Pete Atkin >> Off-topic >> Duke Ellington & Billy Strayhorn
(Message started by: Kevin Cryan on Today at 10:54)

Title: Duke Ellington & Billy Strayhorn
Post by Kevin Cryan on Today at 10:54
All too often people mention the classic recordings of Duke Ellington (http://www.slate.com/id/2159744) without ever mentioning the significant part his collaborator Billy Strayhorn (http://www.billystrayhorn.com/biography.htm), played in shaping the much admired Ellington "sound".  

If anyone is interested in how those great collaborators did work, or in what fruits their collaborative efforts are, then it's worth tuning  into the ever-reliable Russell Davies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Davies)'s BBC Radio 2 four-parter Sweet Pea: The Billy Strayhorn Story (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/musicclub/doc_billy.shtml), beginning  tonight at 11, in which Russell will no doubt be setting some records straight about Strayhorn's contribution to Ellington's greatness as a musician.

Kevin Cryan

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