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Pete Atkin >> *oDs >> Public spirited guitarist required
(Message started by: Richard Bleksley on Today at 21:00)

Title: Public spirited guitarist required
Post by Richard Bleksley on Today at 21:00
I have given Keith Busby a floor spot at Pod - only fair since he was the very first volunteer (and I believe the very first person to reserve, too).  The only thing is that, coming over from the USA, he'll need to borrow a guitar.

By my reckoning there will be at least six guitars present at PoD.  Will one of you guitarists be a nice guy (or girl) and lend him one?

Title: Re: Public spirited guitarist required
Post by Lurcio on Today at 23:02
Humpf. Bloomin compooters. I've just sent this reply and it's just spun off into the ether like some demented catherine wheel thats flown off its nail.
So - let's try again and if you all get to read it twice, blame Catherine.

Are you OK for transport, Keith, or can we offer a lift again?  You know where I am so mail me off line.  ....  and if you are really lucky I might even lend you my cherished nylon acoustic.... although,......  Errmm.... Well.....  Hey - I did only say 'might' ! !


Title: Re: Public spirited guitarist required
Post by El Greko on 09.09.04 at 22:04
Keith if you want steel strings, you can have my Takamine 6-string - it's also "pluggable", it has its own Fishman preamp on board.

That's why I chose the brand - so that I can say on such occasions "Tak - a - mine"! ;D

I'll get me coat...


Title: Re: Public spirited guitarist required
Post by Theo Clarke on 11.09.04 at 15:28
[quote author=El Greko link=board=ods;num=1094500850;start=0#2 date=09/09/04 at 22:04:13]

... and I will hold the door for you.  ;)


Title: Re: Public spirited guitarist required
Post by Keith Busby on 14.09.04 at 04:07
Thanks, George. I accept your kind offer and promise to treat the guitar kindly.

I apologize for the delay in replying but was in/on Jersey for a couple of days.

Looking forward to meeting you at PoD.


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