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Pete Atkin >> Words >> Witness on BBC World Service
(Message started by: avner greenberg on Today at 11:32)

Title: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by avner greenberg on Today at 11:32
Today's program was about the Kent State shootings 40 years ago.

Listen at:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p007bzh2

Neil Young's commemorative song was mentioned, but alas no word of THE defining song about this event. Doesn't anyone have connections at the Beeb :)
Last month there was a program about the Apollo mission that inspired "Canoe".
I'm wondering what's next on the list.

May we have happier anniversaries than today's.


Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by BogusTrumper on 07.05.10 at 13:51

on 05/04/10 at 11:32:59, avner greenberg wrote :
but alas no word of THE defining song about this event.


Hey Sandy?   :D   :D

Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by Ian Ashleigh on 07.05.10 at 21:10
Hey Sandy?      

I thought of the Harvey Andrews song Bogus, but I think it was about a different incident or an amalgum thereof.

I listened to the broadcast on BBC i-player and then Driving Through Mythical America which made the hairs stand up oon the back of my neck.

Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by Rob Spence on 08.05.10 at 09:35
I didn't know the Harvey Andrews song- just looked it up, and it does seem to have its roots in the Kent State incident. According to Wikipedia (I know...) the song " is based on the death of a female student, Sandra Scheuer, who was shot by the Ohio National Guard at the Kent State University in the U.S.  anti Vietnam War demonstration of 1970, although, unlike the Sandy  of Andrews' song, the real student was not directly involved in the demonstration." I shall not, however, be succumbing to the invitation on the lyric site where I found it, to "download the Hey Sandy ringtone"...
Harvey Andrews, to my teenage self, seemed like a very old man back then. Something to do with his extravagant face furniture, I expect.  I now discover he is eleven years older than me, and therefore, by definition, in the prime of middle life.

Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by Douglas Fergus on 08.05.10 at 10:59
I have it on good authority from someone who was told by a guy in the National Guard that if the students had broken free of the campus and rioted it would have only taken a phone call from the governor of Ohio for them to have started bombing!


Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by Kevin Cryan on 08.05.10 at 12:20

on 05/07/10 at 13:51:45, BogusTrumper wrote :
Hey Sandy?   :D   :D
Just so we know what we are discussing, here, on YouTube, is:

Hey Sandy by Harvey Andrews (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe-22-BajRA) from his 1972 Writer of Songs (http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~zierke/harvey.andrews/records/writerofsongs.html) album.


Kevin Cryan

Click here for:
[bgcolor=Blue]Harvey Andrews
the website of singer songwriter Harvey Andrews[/bgcolor] (http://www.modernprojects.com/harvey/)

Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by dr_john on 08.05.10 at 13:22
Blimey, that brings back memories! (I won't dwell on the fact that at first I was wondering what the song 'Sandy' from 'Grease' had to do with Kent State.)
It seems like every band I ever saw in the early Seventies were supported by Harvey Andrews and Graham Cooper.
I'm an otter in the water, swimmin' around, hey-down bubble-down swimmin' around...

Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by Keith Busby on 08.05.10 at 15:48
Blimey, indeed. I haven't heard that for 30+ years although I could (more or less) remember the refrain. Look at the list of musicians appearing on Writer of Songs! That's enough to send anyone d’un certain âge into a right old rêverie. :-/

Title: Re: Witness on BBC World Service
Post by Rob Spence on 31.05.10 at 12:33
Moving swiftly off Nelson with my 112th post:
Came across this from Harvey Andrews, posted a couple of months ago:
'Actually I have an invitation to attend the 40th anniversary ( is that the right word?) of the shootings at Kent State university to perform "Hey Sandy".Unfortunately I have other contracted commitments. However, it means a lot to me that the song has survived and still resonates.'
from a discussion group here (http://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=126764&messages=149#2819322).

Maybe Pete should have been invited too?

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